EdS Program Overview

Welcome to the School Psychology Program at Michigan State University. The MSU School Psychology Program prepares school psychologists to work with educators, children, youth and families to promote individuals’ learning and development particularly in relation to schooling.

The Program offers two degrees, a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) and an Educational Specialist (Ed.S.) degree in School Psychology. Students obtain a Master of Arts (M.A.) in School Psychology as part of their Ed.S. or Ph.D. programs; enrollment in the Ed.S. or Ph.D. program is required to obtain the M.A.

The MSU School Psychology Ed.S. program’s overall mission is to equip school psychologists with the knowledge, skills and dispositions necessary to provide quality psychological services to students in school settings. It includes a planned sequence of coursework in school psychology and supporting disciplines, complemented by practica and internship experiences. The Ed.S. program is approved by the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP), and the scope and sequence of the program is aligned with NASP standards. Students in the program receive the training necessary to become both a Certified School Psychologist in Michigan, as well as a Nationally Certified School Psychologist (NCSP). Read more details about the Ed.S. program here.

Our vision for training and practice in school psychology is informed by the Blueprint for School Psychology published by the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP). Our vision emanates from a set of four goals that define our Ed.S. program:

  1. Foundational Knowledge: Prepare school psychologists with foundational knowledge in multi-tiered systems of supports, social justice, and a problem-solving model
  2. Professional Practice: Prepare school psychologists with the skills necessary for competent delivery of mental health services in school settings at multiple system levels (individual student, classroom, grade school, district)
  3. Research and Inquiry: Prepare school psychologists who effectively consume and disseminate research applicable in school settings..
  4. Professional Conduct: Prepare school psychologists who effectively collaborate with others in delivery of services within school settings according to legal and ethical guidelines.  

Accreditation and Certification

The MSU Ed.S. program is approved by the National Association of School Psychologists and the Michigan Department of Education.

Students are expected to abide by the ethical principles of the National Association of School Psychologists. Graduates of the program are eligible for certification in Michigan as a school psychologist. To be eligible for employment in states other than Michigan, a greater number of courses and internship hours may be required (read more here). To learn more about where our alumni are currently practicing, you can visit our student accomplishments page and student organization’s website.

Defining Features of MSU’s School Psychology Program

The MSU School Psychology Ed.S. program brings a developmental and systems approach to learning that focuses on the developmental needs of learners in the context of families and schools. We view the science and practice of school psychology as grounded in the knowledge of psychological development as well as an understanding of the social contexts in which development occurs. A developmental perspective provides an understanding of the limits and the potential of individuals, as well as the risks and opportunities in development.

We view research and practice in school psychology as being inextricably related. We consider these to be reciprocal processes where research serves as the basis for practice and practice informs research. The program is committed to preparing school psychologists whose practices are empirically supported. We strive to develop future leaders committed to equitable and just schools that promote the development and well-being of all children and their families.

There are several distinguishing features of our Ed.S. program:

  • Communities of Practice: Students participate in authentic communities of practice through practicum placements in each semester, beginning in the first year. The majority of school psychology courses involve field-based assignments so that students experience the interplay between theory or research and practice in authentic settings.
  • Curriculum with Developmental & Contextual Perspective: The curriculum is carefully structured to support an ecological approach to school psychology, in which students learn theory, research and practices of population-based (school- and classroom-wide) and prevention-oriented services prior to learning individually-oriented ones.
  • Scholarship & Inquiry: Students learn within a larger community of scholars, including those with interests in both research and practice, in one of the best Colleges of Education in the country. We train students to actively and effectively consume, summarize, and disseminate research through both their own coursework and their practice in the schools.

The School Psychology Program is one of several graduate programs in the department of Counseling, Educational Psychology, and Special Education (CEPSE) in the College of Education.