Teachers may take courses to advance to the Professional Certificate, renew the Standard Certificate or add new endorsements to an existing certificate. As of September 1, 2013, teachers use the Michigan Online Educator Certification System (MOECS) to apply for the Professional Certificate or a renewal of the Standard Certificate. No application to the MSU Certification Office is required. Additional endorsements still require a recommendation from MSU or another approved teacher preparation institution. Teachers need not complete all of the credits required for an additional endorsement at MSU; however, we generally require that half of the credits be taken through MSU.
To be recommended for the K-12 School Administrator Certificate with Elementary and Secondary endorsements through MSU, an applicant must have completed (a) an approved master’s degree in K-12 Administration at MSU, or (b) a relevant master’s degree and an approved 21-credit core administrative studies program at MSU (the 3 credit internship can be waived for sitting administrators).
Public Disclosures
Gainful Employment Disclosures
Professional Licensure and Certification
Federal regulations require MSU to publicly disclose, for each educational program designed to meet the educational requirements for a specific professional license or certification required for employment in an occupation (or advertised as meeting those requirements), information about whether program completion would meet those requirements in a state. These public disclosure requirements apply to all programs, regardless of their modality (i.e., on-ground, online, and hybrid programs). MSU discloses the required information for its teacher and school administrator certification routes in the table at https://reg.msu.edu/Read/PDF/Professional%20Licensure%20and%20Certification%20-%20Public%20Disclosures%20-%20Final.pdf. Specific teacher certification endorsement areas are found in the section of this document corresponding to the academic home college and department of the endorsement area program. School Administrator certification can be found on pp. 28-31.
All current and prospective students are encouraged to contact the applicable professional licensure/certification boards in their respective states for additional information regarding professional licensure/certification requirements, including, without limitation, information regarding any non-educational requirements (such as clinical or field experience, background clearance, or examination by outside entities).
The information in the table should not be construed as guaranteeing that any particular professional licensure/certification authority will approve a student’s application; nor should the information in the table be read to imply that other requirements for professional licensure/certification do not exist or that other requirements for professional licensure/certification have been determined to have been met by MSU’s program/course, or that any necessary approvals for clinical or other experiential learning placements are secured by virtue of a student’s enrollment at MSU.
State professional licensure/certification requirements are subject to change at any time.
For Michigan Department of Education Professional Educator Certification and Services Unit contact information and access to the Michigan Online Educator Certification System (MOECS), please see https://www.michigan.gov/mde/0,4615,7-140-5683_14795_83469—,00.html.
If you need assistance or have any questions, please contact your academic advisor.
More Information for Teachers