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Department of Teacher Education

Science Education

The Ph.D. emphasis in science education is a component of the internationally renownedĀ Curriculum, Instruction, and Teacher EducationĀ (CITE) program at the College of Education at Michigan State University. The mission of science education is to blend science theory, research, and practical application to explore current issues in science teaching and learning. The science education faculty brings a range of theoretical and methodological perspectives to their work, including cognition, sociocultural, and feminist/critical perspectives using both qualitative and quantitative methods.

The core research areas in science education include learning progressions, curriculum development, teacher development, formative assessment, and teaching and learning in urban contexts. Ph.D. students have opportunities to contribute to a variety of research projects, participate in policy formation, and refine their knowledge and pedagogical skills. Ph.D. students gain practical experience and the opportunity to engage in sustained collaborative work with teachers, students, and administrators in K-12 schools and school districts; college level science educators; informal science educators; as well as university-based researchers and educators.

The highly regarded science education faculty assists students in designing programs of study connected to their unique interests. Furthermore, the faculty support and encourage Ph.D. students in their development of thoughtful scholarship in the sciences, social sciences, and humanities.

For more information about the opportunities in science education or to arrange a campus visit please contact: Christina Schwarz,Ā

Application to Study Science Education Through the CITE Ph.D. Program


Professor Christina Schwarz
620 Farm Lane, Room 115 Erickson Hall
East Lansing, MI 48824-1034
P: (517) 432-4851 F: (517) 353-6393