This page features a list of videos for all of the teachers and scientists interviewed during this project. Click on an individual’s name from the menus below to discover all of their video clips.
Kris is a high school biology teacher who emphasizes positive classroom relationships as a means of motivating her students.
Positive Self Talk
Kris helps her students deal with test anxiety.
Class Camaraderie
Kris prepares students for test by prompting positive relationships.
Building Test Confidence
Caring Promotes Success
Students talk about how Kris’s care and expectations for them make them want to work hard
Study Partners
Kris emphasizes the importance of studying together and how this benefits learning.
Story Telling
Students talk about how storytelling increases interest, enjoyment, and value in Kris’s class
Deb is a high school environmental science teacher who gets her students engaged in many ways. We visited Mighty Acorns and Literacy Night, programs where students engage as mentors of younger students.
Mighty Acorns
Learn about the Mighty Acorns program from high schoolers who mentor younger students.
Promoting Success
Jitters and Joy
Students have some jitters before stepping into a teaching role but end up enjoying it.
Fostering Interest
A Valuable Experience
Students talk about hands-on learning in the Mighty Acorns program, and the benefits thereof.
Rising to the Occasion
Literacy Night
A Big Responsibility
This is Fun!
Ray is a student-centered high school chemistry teacher who uses the inquiry approach for boosting student learning.
Ray and his students talk about how collaboration boosts positive learning experiences.
Supporting Inquiry
Positive Climate
Ray demonstrates and his students evince benefits of building strong relationships in the classroom.
Technology for Success
Capturing Interest
Inquiry Process
Students feel motivated and accomplished doing a lab using inquiry approach in Ray’s class.
Matt teaches physical science to freshman students. He is especially good at promoting their interest and success in high school science.
Making Content Relevant
Supporting Science
Matt sets students up for success by offering feedback and extra support as needed.
A Personal Example
Coping with Fear
Using Everyday Examples
Sparking Situational Interest
Matt promotes interest by using novelty in the classroom.
Steve teaches physics to juniors and seniors. He is dedicated to promoting a growth mindset among his students and is known for his use of humor and affiliation.
Jigsaw Cooperative Learning
Learning for a Purpose
Using Humor
Why Mindset Matters
What is Mindset
Steve and his students talk about what mindset is.
Mastery Goals
Greg contributes to science education in many ways. We visited his tenth grade physical science class when students were engaged in a vermaculture project that he ties to numerous scientific concepts in the curriculum.
Intrinsic Motivation
Greg fosters learning by planning relevant projects.
Rigor and Relevance
Students engage in rigorous scientific activity by asking real questions.
Garbage to Gold
Greg puts his students in charge of important tasks in the classroom.
Inquiry Project 1
Students engage in inquiry projects and ask questions that matter to them.
Inquiry Project 2
A small group of students works on an inquiry project.
Supporting Growth
Students who have been underrepresented in science flourish with support.
No Squeamishness Here
When students do work that matters, they overcome their squeamishness.
Meg teaches biology and environmental science to freshman and sophomore students in a suburban high school. She is known for her use of problem based learning and for engaging her students in service projects related to science.
Service Learning
Meg’s students apply Biology to benefit the world outside school.
PBL Process
PBL is a process that enfolds over time in Meg’s classroom.
Cooperative Learning
Teacher’s Role in Problem Based Learning
Meg exemplifies the teacher’s role in PBL
Autonomy Support
Meg supports student autonomy during a problem based learning project.
Kelda teaches geology to upper classman at a diverse exurban high school. She is deeply loved by her students for her enthusiasm and encouragement. Kelda engages parents as partners and works with Mike to provide field experiences.
Connecting with Families
Enthusiasm is Motivating
Fostering Mastery Goals
Mike teaches environmental science to upper classman. He challenges his students and helps them learn how to be successful. His passion is outdoor education and he works hard with Kelda to provide it for students and parents.
Students as Teachers
Fun Mnemonic Device
A Challenging Teacher
Reflective Experience
Regina is a high energy physicist whose work is highly collaborative. She talks about important aspects of motivation that influenced her to become a scientist.
Area of Science
Learn more about Regina and her area of science.
Importance of Challenge
Regina talks about the importance of challenge for instilling a sense of accomplishment
Importance of Parents and Teachers
Interest and Confidence
Overcoming Doubts
Dionne specializes in biophysical chemistry and diabetes research. She talks about how support from others was key to her choice of becoming a scientist
Area of Science
Learn more about Dionne and her area of science.
Confidence and Competence
Real World Connections
Dionne talks about how real world connections in science class boosted her interest in science
Importance of Support
Dionne shares how her mother’s support kept her going and made her a confident scientist
Shari is an immunologist specializing in cancer research who believes that mistakes are part of the learning process. She was deeply influenced to pursue science by her high school biology teacher and her parents.
Area of Science
Learn more about Shari and her chosen area of science
Support from Teachers
Importance of Mistakes
Shari stresses the importance of viewing mistakes as learning opportunities in science
Teacher and Parental Support
Georgia is a computer scientist who was inspired to believe in herself by a great high school math teacher. She now teaches computer science and gaming.
Learn About Georgia
Role of Challenge and Effort
Importance of Teacher’s Beliefs
Angela seeks to understand how social bonds relate to stress and heart disease. She aims to find better ways for psychologists to prevent and treat those problems.
Learn About Angela
Learn more about Angela and her area of research
Importance of Persuasion
Angela discusses how persuasion from her teachers helped her feel more confident and work harder.
Importance of Parental Engagement
Goal Setting and Hard Work
Importance of Relevance
Laura, a food scientist and toxicologist, was motivated to be a scientist by a challenging high school teacher and by Regina. She was the chief scientist at the National Confectioners Association when these videos were made.
Learn About Laura
Teacher Enthusiasm
Positive Challenge
Laura talks about how positive challenge in a class sparked interest and engagement.