Who can add a Social Studies endorsement?
- A certified teacher or a teacher candidate with a teaching major or minor in History, Geography, Political Science or Economics
- The “RX” endorsement can be added to an existing teaching certificate or to an initial provisional teaching certificate.
Why add the Social Studies endorsement?
- Per No Child Left Behind (NCLB) legislation a major or minor in a specific sub-area of the broad Social Studies major does NOT qualify a teacher to teach Social Studies; for example, a teacher who is certified in History is NOT highly qualified to teach Social Studies (or any of the other Social Studies sub-areas: Political Science, Geography or Economics) without the RX endorsement.
What am I highly qualified to teach with the Social Studies endorsement?
- The Social Studies (RX) endorsement qualifies teachers to teach Social Studies as well as the sub-areas of Geography, History, Political Science, Civics/Government and Economics, without completing the coursework or passing the individual MTTC required for certification in these sub- areas.
What are the requirements for the Social Studies (RX) endorsement?
- A total of 50 semester credits are required in the Social Studies sub-areas of Geography, History, Political Science and Economics.
- The following courses are required (43 credits): GEO 204, GEO 221, GEO 330, PLS 100, PLS 140, EC 201, EC 202, HST 140, HST 150, HST 201, HST 202, HST 203 and HST 320. The remaining 7 credits can include previously completed credits in History, Geography, Political Science and Economics.
- Candidates must pass the new MTTC Social Studies “RX” test (See www.mttc.nesinc.com for test registration, study guide, test objectives and sample questions. Additional reading and preparation beyond the courses required is highly recommended). Be sure to have MTTC results officially reported to MSU.
Certified teachers must apply to have the endorsement added to their teaching certificate through the MSU Certification Office in 134 Erickson Hall. See http://education.msu.edu/certification/forms.asp for instructions.
Please see an advisor in 134 Erickson to develop an “RX” endorsement plan. Currently enrolled MSU students can make an appointment with an advisor through the online scheduling system. Others, including certified teachers, please call (517) 353-9680.