College of Education Bylaws


1. The Faculty

1.1. Composition of the faculty.

1.1.1. The tenure-stream faculty of the College of Education shall consist of all persons in the College who have been appointed under the rules of tenure and hold the rank of professor, associate professor, assistant professor, or instructor.

1.1.2. The fixed-term faculty of the College shall consist of all persons in the College holding the rank of professor, associate professor, assistant professor, or instructor but not appointed under the rules of tenure.

1.1.3. The academic specialists of the College shall consist of all persons in the College holding the rank of specialist or senior specialist.

1.1.4. The adjunct faculty of the College shall consist of all persons whose professional position, qualifications, and interests make some relationship with the College desirable.

1.1.5. The honorary faculty of the College shall consist of all persons designated as visiting professor or professor emeriti in the College.

1.2. Voting faculty.

1.2.1. The voting faculty shall consist of all tenure-stream faculty and academic specialists in the continuing appointment system. Voting faculty shall also include full-time fixed-term faculty who have served at least three consecutive years in the College and full-time academic specialists who have served at least three consecutive years in the College. Voting faculty must be engaged in academic activities at the University. Full-time shall be defined as a workload equal to or greater than a 0.9 full-time equivalent.

1.2.2. Departments shall determine voting privileges for matters limited to departments.

1.2.3. A faculty member appointed in two or more units may vote only once in a College election or on a College matter.

1.2.4. All tenure-stream faculty and academic specialists in the continuing appointment system may be elected to a college committee as a representative of any unit in which the person resides. Full-time fixed-term faculty who have served at least three consecutive years in the College and full-time academic specialists who have served at least three consecutive years in the College may be elected to a college committee, with the exception of the Reappointment, Promotion, and Tenure Committee and the College Faculty Advisory Committee, as a representative of any unit in which the person resides.

1.3. Faculty meetings.

1.3.1. The faculty of the College shall meet at least once during fall and spring semesters. Additional meetings of the faculty may be called by the Dean, by the Faculty Advisory Committee, or by 25 voting faculty.

1.3.2. Notice of faculty meetings shall be sent to all faculty at least two weeks in advance and such notice shall set forth the matters to be considered. The formal agenda will be made available by the College Faculty Advisory Committee at least one week in advance.

1.3.3. The Dean or designee shall preside at College faculty meetings. Robert’s Rules of Order (most recent edition) shall guide meeting procedures.

1.3.4. A College faculty meeting may consider any matter related to the welfare of the faculty or the welfare of the College and any matter brought before it by a member of the faculty.

1.3.5. The agenda for College faculty meetings shall be prepared by the Dean and the Faculty Advisory Committee. Action items must be so labeled on the agenda, and no formal actions may be taken without advance notice.

1.4. Quorum Requirements.

1.4.1. A quorum of fifty percent plus one of voting members is required for conducting College Faculty Meetings and College committees.

2. The Students

2.1. Student constituency of the College.

2.1.1. The student constituency of the College shall be all students who have declared a major or major preference in an academic program of the College.

2.2. Student participation in academic governance.

2.2.1. Student participation in College academic governance bodies shall in all cases be in the same mode as faculty participation, except as reserved. The matters reserved to faculty are: Policies concerning salary, leaves, insurance, retirement, and fringe benefits of faculty. Decisions concerning the appointment, salary, re-appointment, promotion, tenure, or dismissal of individual faculty members. Evidence from students regarding the teaching performance of faculty may, as relevant, be considered in decisions concerning the above matters. Matters affecting the professional responsibility of the faculty to establish and maintain the intellectual authority of the University.

3. College Organization

3.1. Dean of the College.

3.1.1. The chief executive officer of the College of Education is the Dean.

3.1.2. The Dean is responsible for instructional, research, and service programs of the College. This responsibility includes budgetary matters, physical facilities, and personnel matters in the Dean’s jurisdiction, taking into account the advisory procedures of the College. The Dean shall make available the College’s written criteria and procedures for periodic merit-based salary adjustments.

3.1.3. The voting faculty of the College shall have shared responsibility with the Provost to determine procedures for selection of the Dean.

3.1.4. The selection of assistant and associate administrators to be nominated to the provost shall be the responsibility of the Dean who shall consult with the Faculty Advisory Committee.

3.1.5. The Dean shall be subject to regular review at intervals not to exceed five years. The Faculty Advisory Committee shall have shared responsibility with the Provost to determine procedures for the review of the Dean.

3.1.6. The Dean shall participate in academic governance as part of his or her administrative responsibility. This participation shall include those responsibilities listed in Section 2.1.5. of the University Bylaws. The Dean or the Dean’s designee shall attend all meetings of the College’s academic governance bodies.

3.2. Faculty Advisory Committee.

3.2.1. Composition. The Faculty Advisory Committee shall consist of two voting faculty elected from each of the College’s departments, one non-voting ex-officio member from the Student Advisory Committee, and one non-voting ex-officio member selected by the Faculty Advisory Committee from the College representatives to the University Council. The Chairperson of the Faculty Advisory Committee (or designee) shall serve as one of the College representatives on the Faculty Senate pursuant to section of the University Bylaws for Academic Governance. The Faculty Advisory Committee shall designate one voting faculty member to represent issues of Faculty Equity and Inclusion. This advocate shall advise the Faculty Advisory Committee of issues concerning college climate regarding faculty equity and diversity, evaluate the conduct of the Faculty Advisory Committee regarding equity and diversity, and bring deficiencies to the attention of the Faculty Advisory Committee.

3.2.2. Functions. The Faculty Advisory Committee shall advise and consult with the Dean on issues concerning the welfare of the College. The Faculty Advisory Committee shall have the responsibility to supervise and conduct all faculty elections at the College level. The Faculty Advisory Committee may elect to delegate this responsibility in writing to a College level administrator. The Faculty Advisory Committee shall name replacements to University governance bodies when the elected faculty representative is unable to serve for a period of one semester or more. The Faculty Advisory Committee shall have shared responsibility with the Dean in determining the time, date, and place of all College faculty meetings. The Faculty Advisory Committee shall have shared responsibility with the Dean in preparing the agenda and making arrangements for the faculty meetings. The Faculty Advisory Committee shall consult with the Dean in the appointment and replacement of assistant and associate Deans, including interim appointments. The Faculty Advisory Committee shall have shared responsibility with the Provost in determining procedures for the review of the Dean. The Faculty Advisory Committee shall advise the Dean regarding initiation and evaluation of, and decisions concerning, policies related to scholarship and professional conduct. The Faculty Advisory Committee shall have shared responsibility with the Dean regarding development and revision of College guidelines and procedures for faculty appointment, promotion, and tenure in accordance with the University Faculty Handbook. The Faculty Advisory Committee will develop, maintain, and annually revise written guidelines for retention, storage, and public posting (when appropriate) of documents and records produced during or arising from all College level standing, special, or ad-hoc committee business (excluding e-mail correspondence).

3.2.3. Procedures. The Faculty Advisory Committee shall determine its own operating rules and procedures and elect a chair from its membership. The elected chair of the Faculty Advisory Committee shall serve a one-year term of office. The Faculty Advisory Committee shall meet as often as needed to perform its duties, but no less than once a month during fall and spring semesters. The minutes of the Faculty Advisory Committee shall be made publicly available. The schedule of the Faculty Advisory Committee meetings shall be made publicly available. Meetings of the Faculty Advisory Committee are open, except when the Committee votes to hold a closed meeting to discuss personnel matters. The Committee may also vote to close a meeting for other stated reasons. Such closures will be reflected in the meeting minutes.

3.2.4. Elections. Department elections for the Faculty Advisory Committee will take place in the spring semester. Any member of the voting faculty of the College is eligible for election to the Faculty Advisory Committee. Representative members are elected to the Faculty Advisory Committee for a three-year term of office. No representative member shall serve more than two consecutive terms.

3.3. Standing Committees of the Faculty.

There shall be three standing committees of the faculty: a College Curriculum Committee, a Faculty Equity and Inclusion Committee, and a Reappointment, Promotion, and Tenure Committee.

3.3.1. College Curriculum Committee. Composition. The College Curriculum Committee will consist of two voting faculty elected from each of the College’s departments, one voting undergraduate student, one voting graduate student, and two non-voting ex-officio members: the College of Education representative to the University Committee on Curriculum and a Dean’s designee. The College Curriculum Committee shall designate one voting faculty member to represent issues of Faculty Equity and Inclusion. This advocate shall advise the College Curriculum Committee of issues concerning college climate regarding faculty equity and diversity, evaluate the conduct of the College Curriculum Committee regarding equity and diversity, and bring deficiencies to the attention of the College Curriculum Committee. Functions. The College Curriculum Committee will have delegated authority in making recommendations to the University Committee on Curriculum regarding changes in academic programs. The College Curriculum Committee shall advise the College faculty about major changes in courses and programs in the departments of the College. The College Curriculum Committee shall consult and seek the advice of the affected units when deliberating on proposals for the development, elimination, or modification of courses, course sequences, program emphases, and programs affecting two or more departments of the College. The College Curriculum Committee shall consult and seek the advice of the Faculty Advisory Committee and/or the College faculty when deliberating on major proposals affecting two or more units of the College or proposals to eliminate academic programs in the College or proposals to establish or change “all-college” programs. Procedures. The College Curriculum Committee will determine its operating rules and procedures and elect a chair from its voting membership. The College Curriculum Committee will meet as often as required to perform its duties but no less often than once a semester during fall and spring semesters. The minutes of the College Curriculum Committee shall be made publicly available. Meetings of the College Curriculum Committee are open. The schedule of the College Curriculum Committee meetings shall be made publicly available. Elections. Department elections for the College Curriculum Committee will take place in the spring semester. Any member of the voting faculty of the College is eligible for election to the College Curriculum Committee. Faculty members are elected for a three-year term of office; student members, for a term of one year. No member will serve more than two consecutive terms.

3.3.2. Faculty Equity and Inclusion Committee. Composition. The Faculty Equity and Inclusion Committee will consist of two voting faculty elected from each of the College’s departments and one ex-officio voting student member identified by the Student Advisory Committee. All other individuals on the committee will be non-voting ex-officio members. The College Faculty Excellence Advocate and one College level administrator (Dean or Dean’s designee) will also serve as non-voting ex-officio members of the Faculty Equity and Inclusion Committee. Functions. The Faculty Equity and Inclusion Committee shall have shared responsibility with the Dean in determining procedures for assessing and improving persistent and systemic conditions concerning College climate regarding faculty equity and diversity. The Faculty Equity and Inclusion Committee shall consider general policies and procedures regarding hiring, promotion and tenure/continuing status, workload assignments, transparency of decision-making, and creating a supportive professional climate. The committee will not make decisions about individual cases in any of the aforementioned domains. The Faculty Equity and Inclusion Committee shall serve in an advisory capacity for other issues related to equity and diversity that are not persistent and systemic. Each member of the Faculty Equity and Inclusion Committee will serve as liaison and facilitate connections between members of the College and resources or other bodies concerned with issues of equity or diversity in the Departments, College, or University. Voting members of the Faculty Equity and Inclusion Committee shall serve as an advisory and resource to faculty entities. The Faculty Equity and Inclusion Committee shall consult with the Office for Inclusion and Intercultural Initiatives at least once per year. Procedures. The Faculty Equity and Inclusion Committee shall determine its own operating rules and procedures and elect a Chair from its voting membership. The elected chair of the Faculty Equity and Inclusion Committee shall serve a one-year term of office. The Faculty Equity and Inclusion Committee shall meet as often as needed to perform its duties but no less than once a semester during fall and spring semesters. The minutes of the Faculty Equity and Inclusion Committee will be made available to the Faculty Advisory Committee and shall be made publicly available. Meetings of the Faculty Equity and Inclusion Committee are open. The schedule of the Faculty Equity and Inclusion Committee meetings shall be made publicly available. The Chair or designee of the Faculty Equity and Inclusion Committee will attend a meeting of the College Faculty Advisory Committee, a meeting of the College Curriculum Committee, and a meeting of the College Reappointment, Promotion, and Tenure Committee at least once a year to report on the deliberations of the Faculty Equity and Inclusion Committee. Faculty Equity and Inclusion advocates from the College Faculty Advisory Committee, College Curriculum Committee, and College Reappointment, Promotion, and Tenure Committee shall attend a meeting of the Faculty Equity and Inclusion Committee at least once a year. Each member of the Faculty Equity and Inclusion Committee will report to the constituents they represent regularly, but at least once per year. Elections. Department elections for the Faculty Equity and Inclusion Committee will take place in the spring semester. Any member of the voting faculty of the College is eligible for election to the Faculty Equity and Inclusion Committee. Faculty members are elected for a three-year term of office. No member will serve more than two consecutive terms. Committee members should have demonstrated a clear commitment to issues of diversity and equity in teaching, research, or practice as determined by the Department. Of the initial voting faculty elected from each of the College’s departments to form the Faculty Equity and Inclusion Committee, one member from each department will be elected to serve a one-year term and the other to serve a two-year term.

3.3.3. Reappointment, Promotion, and Tenure Committee. Composition. The Reappointment, Promotion, and Tenure Committee will consist of two tenured faculty members (at the rank of Associate and/or Full Professor) elected from each of the College’s departments. One College-level administrator (Dean or Dean’s designee) will also serve as a non-voting ex-officio member of the College Reappointment, Promotion, and Tenure Committee. The Reappointment, Promotion, and Tenure Committee shall designate one voting faculty member to represent issues of Faculty Equity and Inclusion. This advocate shall advise the Reappointment, Promotion, and Tenure Committee of issues concerning College climate regarding faculty equity and diversity, evaluate the conduct of the Reappointment, Promotion, and Tenure Committee regarding equity and diversity, and bring deficiencies to the attention of the Reappointment, Promotion, and Tenure Committee. Function. The Reappointment, Promotion, and Tenure Committee shall advise the Dean regarding reappointment, promotion, and tenure procedures and decisions. Procedures. The Reappointment, Promotion, and Tenure Committee will determine its operating rules and procedures in accordance with the University Faculty Handbook and elect a chair from its membership. The Reappointment, Promotion, and Tenure Committee will meet as often as required to perform its duties but no less often than once each semester. The minutes of the Reappointment, Promotion, and Tenure Committee, not including discussion of individual cases, shall be made publicly available. Meetings of the Reappointment, Promotion, and Tenure Committee are open, except when reviewing and discussing specific candidates’ materials. The schedule of the Reappointment, Promotion, and Tenure Committee meetings shall be made publicly available. Elections. Department elections for the Reappointment, Promotion, and Tenure Committee will take place in the spring semester. Any tenured member of the tenure-stream faculty of the College will be eligible for election. Note that university policy does not allow Associate Professors to participate in discussions or votes on promotion to Full Professor. Faculty members are elected for a three-year term of office. Consecutive terms are not permitted without prior written approval of the College Faculty Advisory Committee.

3.4. Student Advisory Committee.

3.4.1. Composition. The Student Advisory Committee will consist of at least 12 members.  Each department must have 3 student representatives, consisting of at least 1 Master’s student and 1 PhD student. If the department has an undergraduate program, at least 1 student must be an undergraduate student. The chair of the Student Advisory Committee will serve as an ex-officio member of the College Faculty Advisory Committee.

3.4.2. Functions. The Student Advisory Committee will advise and consult with the Dean and/or Dean’s designee on matters concerning student welfare. The Student Advisory Committee will appoint 1 undergraduate and 1 graduate ex-officio voting member (as permitted by University bylaws) to sit on the College Curriculum Committee. The Student Advisory Committee will also appoint 1ex-officio voting member to the College FEIC. The Chair of the Student Advisory Committee will serve as an ex-officio voting member of the College Faculty Advisory Committee.

3.4.3. Procedures. The Student Advisory Committee will determine its own operating rules and procedures and elect a chairperson and a secretary from its voting membership during the fall semester. The Student Advisory Committee will meet as often as required to perform its duties but no less often than once a semester during fall and spring semesters. The minutes of the Student Advisory Committee meetings shall be made publicly available and distributed to all standing committees of the College. Meetings of the Student Advisory Committee are open. The schedule of the Student Advisory Committee meetings shall be made publicly available.

3.4.4. Selection of Members. The College Faculty Advisory Committee will delegate responsibilities in writing to a College-level administrator, who will consult with department chairs, to select members to this committee in accordance to the Bylaws. Graduate student members of the Student Advisory Committee will be nominated to and selected for the Committee by each department. Undergraduate student members of the Student Advisory Committee will be nominated to and selected for the Committee by the undergraduate Student Affairs Office. Selection of Student Advisory Committee members will take place in the spring semester, to be effective in the fall semester for one academic year. Any member of the College’s student constituency will be eligible for selection to the Student Advisory Committee. Members of the Student Advisory Committee are selected for a one-year term of office. There is no restriction on the number of consecutive terms a student can be selected for the Student Advisory Committee.

3.5. Special Committees.

3.5.1. Special committees may be established by the Dean, by the College Faculty Advisory Committee, or by a majority vote of the College faculty.

3.6. Committee Record-Keeping.

3.6.1. The Faculty Advisory Committee will develop, maintain, and annually revise written guidelines for retention, storage, and public posting (when appropriate) of documents and records produced during or arising from all College level standing, special, or ad-hoc committee business (excluding e-mail correspondence).

3.6.2. All standing committees will develop, maintain, and annually revise written guidelines that describe committee processes (including voting) in order to ensure continuity in committee business and orderly transition between committee chairs and members.

3.6.3. All standing committees will submit written guidelines developed, maintained, and revised in accordance with Bylaw 3.6.2. to the Chair of the College Faculty Advisory Committee annually, on or before April 1 of each year. The College Faculty Advisory Committee will submit its written guidelines to the Dean or Dean’s designee. The College Faculty Advisory Committee’s, or Dean or Dean’s designee’s, singular role in accepting committee guidelines is to ensure compliance with record-keeping requirements.

3.6.4. All special or ad-hoc College committees are subject to the same record-keeping requirements as standing committees.


4.1. The voting faculty of the College shall have shared responsibility with the Dean to adopt and publish bylaws in conformity with academic governance.

4.2. Bylaw amendment and revision.

4.2.1. College bylaws may be amended or revised by a two-thirds vote of the faculty voting on the amendment/revision. The vote will be taken after the College Faculty Advisory Committee has published any proposed amendment/revision and has held one or more hearings open to the faculty and students. Voting shall be by ballot setting forth clearly the changes proposed. The College Faculty Advisory Committee shall establish procedures and certify results.

4.3. Bylaw review.

4.3.1. College bylaws shall be reviewed at least every five years or at such time as the Dean, in consultation with the College Faculty Advisory Committee, deems it necessary. Procedures for the review will be set forth in accordance with university regulations, including participation in the five-year college bylaws review cycle performed by the University Committee on Academic Governance as specified in section 4.3.5 of the University Bylaws for Academic Governance.

.4. Bylaw corrections.

4.4.1. Edits to the College Bylaws of a typographic or formatting nature, and references to external University documents, may be amended or revised by the College Faculty Advisory Committee without conducting a vote of the faculty so long as such edits do not constitute changes in the intent or interpretation of the language. Notice of the corrections shall be made publicly available.


5.1. The College of Education Faculty Grievance Procedures follow the University Faculty Grievance Policy detailed in the Faculty Handbook.


6.1. The University Bylaws for Academic Governance provides specific definitions for the Consultation, Advisory, Shared Responsibility, and Delegated Authority modes of participation in academic governance.

Revision certified by the College of Education Faculty Advisory Committee on April 11, 2023
Updated on the College of Education website on April 21, 2023