Direct Admission to the Teacher Preparation Program in the College of Education
The MSU Office of Admissions has determined that you meet eligibility requirements for Direct Transfer Admission (DTA) to the teacher preparation program in the College of Education at MSU. This means you may apply for admission to Michigan State University and the teacher preparation program concurrently. If you are provisionally admitted as a direct transfer student, your admission to the teacher preparation program will be finalized when you begin taking classes at MSU. Please visit our website for more information about Direct Transfer Admission.
Applying for Direct Transfer Admission
Online Application
After carefully reading the instructions on this page, you will be able to access the online application. After logging on to the application from your email account, a unique password will be sent to your email address. The password is necessary to complete the application process, so please treat it carefully.
Timed and Proctored Essay
As part of the online application, all applicants must write a timed and proctored essay at a testing site on campus. At the end of the online application, you will be asked to pay a $20 essay fee online using a credit card, debit card, or checking account. Please print your receipt, as it will be required at the testing site. Through the online application, you will be (1) given an opportunity to choose an essay-writing session or (2) prompted to call the MSU Testing Office to schedule a time to write your essay. If you reserve a place in an essay session, you will receive an email message confirming the date, time, and location. Please print and keep that information.
Reserving a time to write the essay and closing your application will not prevent you from re-entering the application at a later time to make changes; however, once you have written the essay your application will be closed. Your essay will be electronically loaded into your application from the testing site, and your application will be complete at that time. You will not be able to re-enter your application after you have written your essay.
You must bring (1) picture identification, (2) your application login and password, and (3) your essay fee receipt to the testing site. Please arrive at the assigned testing site on the correct date at least 20 minutes early. You will need this time to receive instructions and complete pre-test paperwork. Do not bring a dictionary, thesaurus, backpack, books, computer disk, computer software, food, or drink to the testing site. You will be given one hour to complete the essay using word-processing software. You will not be permitted to print or save copies of your essay, except as directed at the testing site. Software used to detect cheating is applied to all essays. Evidence of plagiarism, cheating, or falsification will result in denial of admission.
Michigan Test for Teacher Certification (MTTC) Professional Readiness Exam (PRE) or Basic Skills Test
Before students can be admitted to the teacher preparation program, MSU must receive official notification that they have passed all three parts (Reading, Writing and Mathematics) of the MTTC Professional Readiness Exam (PRE). Official results of the MTTC Basic Skills test are also acceptable. Taking the PRE requires separate registration and fee payment. Please visit the MTTC website for information about test preparation and registration. Students should request that official results be sent to MSU when they register to take the test (MSU’s Institution Code is 18). Students who do not use MSU’s Institution Code at the time of registration will need to request that an official report be sent to MSU at a later date (at an added cost to the student). This will delay admission. Both the paper-based test (PBT) and the computer-based test (CBT) are acceptable (but the paper-based version is less expensive). Students should take the test or be registered for the test before completing the application.
The Professional Readiness Exam is a challenging test, and we strongly encourage applicants to prepare before taking it. Study materials, including full-length practice tests, are available on the MTTC website. Commercially-available study materials are available in the MSU Main Library at the Reserve Desk, in the MSU Learning Resource Center (Bessey Hall) and in all of the neighborhood engagement centers. These and other study materials for the Professional Readiness Exam (PRE) are also available for purchase online. If you fail to pass one or more of the subtests, you only need to retake the subtest(s) you did not pass. Consult the MTTC website for more information.
The Application Package
A complete application package includes the following items. Paper materials must be submitted in a single package to 134 Erickson Hall. Students applying for admission to Special Education must also complete a pre-admission experience and submit documentation to 134 Erickson Hall.
- A complete online application for Direct Transfer Admission, including the timed and proctored essay
- Passing scores on all three portions of the MTTC PRE or Basic Skills Test, with official scores sent to MSU
- Official transcripts must be sent to the MSU Office of Admissions and Scholarships,
Room 250 Hannah Administration Building, East Lansing, MI 48824
Deadlines and Admission Decisions
Deadlines for completing the application for direct transfer admission to the teacher preparation program are:
- May 15 for Fall Semester admission
- November 15 for Spring Semester admission
- March 15 for Summer Semester admission
Admission decisions will be communicated approximately four-six weeks after the submission of a complete application package. Note that the application process is competitive. Meeting the stated minimum requirements does not guarantee admission to the teacher preparation program.