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2020 graduate Robby McKay named a Knowles Teaching Fellow, amplifying his early career through professional development, networking.
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Secondary Education

We're here to help you!

Becoming a Secondary Education Teacher

The Secondary Teacher Preparation Program at Michigan State University emphasizes the preparation of justice-oriented professionals who are ready to teach on Day 1.

We have been ranked No. 1 in the nation for secondary (and elementary) education for three consecutive decades (U.S. News & World Report). The No. 1 ranking reflects our commitment to robust clinical experiences and outstanding mentoring relationships. It also reflects our long-standing reputation with superintendents, principals, teachers and educators not only in Michigan, but around the globe. The reason for this reputation is simple: MSU’s College of Education develops teacher leaders.

You will develop deep content knowledge in the subject(s) you plan to teach in seventh through twelfth grade (7-12), take courses on the most effective teaching practices that support equitable learning for all adolescents, and experience a guided teaching internship in a public school.

Commitment to justice-oriented teaching

We are guided by our belief that education empowers adolescents to make the world a more just place. Our program starts with social justice coursework and that focus on supporting all learners to be critical and creative actors is sustained throughout.

Commitment to rich content

We are guided by research about the critical role of expert subject matter knowledge in quality teaching. Teachers who know the content well have students who learn more. These teachers know how students learn—what they struggle with, what they are likely to misunderstand, what questions they are likely to have. They possess the knowledge and skills for designing instruction to capitalize on the ways learners learn particular content.

Learning by doing

The year-long internship is the capstone of MSU’s Secondary Teacher Preparation Program. You will work with a committed mentor teacher who will be there to guide you every step of the way. We place interns in our partner school districts across the state.