Recruiting Fellowship Awards
The MSU Graduate School and the College of Education offer a variety of multi-year recruiting fellowships for incoming doctoral students. Applicants who are admitted to the EPET doctoral program are automatically considered for all the recruiting fellowships for which they are eligible.
EPET students are eligible for a variety of university and college multi-year awards. The College of Education graduate financial support website outlines these awards.
MSU Unversity Distinguished Fellowship Program
This funding, supported jointly by the Graduate School and individual graduate programs, will support outstanding students by providing assistantships and fellowships totaling approximately $31,400 annually for five years plus an additional stipend and health insurance.
Doctoral students receive five years of support. The first year is funded by the Graduate School with a half-time assistantship. During the second through fifth years of fellowship support, students receive departmental assistantships that may require them to assist in research and/or teaching.Ā
UDF recipients must study full time, maintain strong academic performance, and make satisfactory progress toward their degree during the period of their award. Newly admitted doctoral students are automatically considered for this award.Ā
Dean’s Scholars Program
These five-year awards are made to new students who show exceptional aptitude for doctoral study in education and keen interest in addressing the problems of teaching and learning through scholarly work. The awards combine a half-time graduate assistantship with additional fellowship funds totaling approximately $25,000 annually for five years, plus tuition and medical benefits. Recipients must study full time during the period of their award. Newly admitted doctoral students are automatically considered for the award.
Erickson Research Fellowship Program
These five-year awards are made to entering doctoral students who demonstrate a strong preparation for and aspiration toward a career in educational research. The awards combine a half-time graduate assistantship with additional fellowship funds totaling approximately $25,000 annually for five years, plus tuition and medical benefits. Recipients must study full-time during the period of their award and make good progress toward their degrees. Newly admitted doctoral students are automatically considered for this award.
University and College Recruiting Fellowships
These one-year fellowships, awarded to promising new doctoral students, provide $3,000-5,000. Recipients must study full-time during the period of their award. Newly admitted doctoral students are automatically considered for this award.
Continuing Fellowship Awards
The MSU Graduate School, the College of Education, the Department of CEPSE, and external agencies all offer various forms of support for graduate students.
Summer Research Development Fellowships (SRDF)
The college funds fellowships to students in the summer after their first year to support their research and scholarly development. Awards provide approximately $6,000 of summer funding. Applications for these competitive fellowships are submitted early in the spring semester.
Travel/Professional Development Fellowships
Doctoral students may request support for travel to national or international conferences in which they present the results of scholarly research. Such funds are available from the EPET program, the CEPSE Department, and the Graduate School.
Research Enhancement Fellowships
These small fellowships are designed to support auxiliary expenses directly related to studentsā research activities. Provided by the Graduate School, College and Department, such fellowships help fund, for example, studentsā travel to a remote research location and/or purchase research-related equipment. Applications for these competitive fellowships are typically submitted early in the spring semester.
Emergency Fellowship Funds
These funds are available from the Graduate School for unusual or unforeseen emergency expenses. Funds are provided on a one-time only basis and are contingent upon eligibility and available funds. Emergency funds may also be obtained under similar criteria from the Department of Teacher Education.
Further information of fellowships available to doctoral students can be found in the Graduate School Funding section.
Tuition and Fees
MSU Controllerās OfficeĀ maintains an up-to-date website that outlines all tuition and fee schedules for the university.Ā