Raedeke, T. D. & Smith, A. L. (2009). The Athlete Burnout Questionnaire Manual. Morgantown, WV: Fitness Information Technology

This test manual is a succinct and informative resource outlining the conceptual basis of the athlete burnout syndrome and its measurement. The manual delineates the process used in developing the Athlete Burnout Questionnaire (ABQ) and provides users with information on the meaning of scores derived from its use. Aspects related to the ABQ are presented in a comprehensive manner, along with the guidelines for administering and scoring it as well as conceptual underpinnings. Also included are a description of how the preliminary item pool was developed, a review of research using a within-network approach to examining the internal structure of the burnout construct, and an overview of the relationship of ABQ scores to stress and other theoretical correlates of burnout. Click here to access a copy of the ABQ Manual.


Weiss, M. R., & Smith, A. L. (1999). Quality of youth sport friendships: measurement development and validation. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 21(2), 145-166.

The Sport Friendship Quality Scale (SFQS; Weiss & Smith, 1999) measures six dimensions of friendship quality: self-esteem enhancement and supportiveness (4 items), loyalty and intimacy (4 items), things in common (4 items), companionship and pleasant play (4 items), conflict resolution (3 items), and conflict (3 items). Each item is scored on a 5-point scale ranging from not at all true to really true. The SFQS development process and initial support for reliability and validity of scores appears in Weiss and Smith (1999). Click here to access a copy of the SFQS.


We collaborate with the The Health Behaviors and Cognition Laboratory when including cognitive tasks in our research. See the HBCL's Software Page for an overview of the various software programs and cognitive tasks.