The Office of International Studies in Education is pleased to announce a new fellowship program for COE faculty and graduate students. The goal of the program is to enhance curriculum in the College of Education in ways that support global competence of both faculty and students. Of particular interest is bringing global dimensions into core courses across the college, both undergraduate and graduate. Thus, we anticipate that in most cases the fellowship will be used to address existing courses rather than develop entirely new ones.
All faculty can apply. One need not have had significant prior experience teaching with international or global perspectives; we encourage you to see this as an opportunity to develop new capacity as an educator. Each faculty fellow will work on a course they nominate for revision, improvement or development. The focus can be an entire course or a module/unit, assignment, materials, or activities central to the course. Both the process of working to rethink a course, as well as the “product” (the revised course), have the potential for capacity building in the College.
Doctoral students who are in good academic standing in any College of Education doctoral program and can demonstrate satisfactory progress toward their degree are eligible to apply. Students must be enrolled through fall semester 2019 to be eligible for this fellowship.
Each fellow will receive a $3,000 award. These can be used for research, purchase of materials, attending conferences or other travel, bringing colleagues to MSU to consult with you (or a group you organize), or other uses, with the goal of strengthening a course and increasing our students’ opportunities for learning in that course.
The fellowship has two components: (1) faculty-student pairs working together to “internationalize” or bring a global perspective into the teaching of a particular course and (2) participation in occasional seminars that are intended as resources to support that work. That is, fellows will participate in a community of practice seminar series for all faculty and graduate Global Curriculum Fellows. The seminars will provide resources related to critically engaging internationalization of the curriculum, meanings of global competence, and perspectives on global curriculum; sessions will include invited speakers, workshop activities, as well as opportunities for peer review and discussion of each fellow’s project. Fellows are expected to attend one seminar in late fall and three in spring.
Faculty fellows will have the benefit of collaborating with a graduate student fellow. Each graduate student selected for this fellowship will be assigned to work with a faculty fellow. Student-faculty pairs are expected to work together throughout the fellowship year on the problem of practice/curriculum focus selected by the faculty member. Fellows will present their work at a final showcase in fall 2019.
Download application materials to complete and submit:
Applications are due by Wednesday, November 14 and should be submitted by email to Julie Sinclair, Associate Director, Office of International Studies in Education,
Along with your completed application, ask your department chair to send an email acknowledging your plan to submit an application to Julie Sinclair.
Please contact Lynn Paine ( or Julie Sinclair ( if you have questions.