CED in 3: Matthew Guzman

October 2, 2023

Each week, we ask a member of the college grad student community to share 3 picks related to one of their passions. This week, Education Policy doctoral student Matthew Guzman shares 3 favorite comics and cartoons:

Two things that I nerd out about are newspaper comics and political cartoons. I think that daily comic strips are really fun and I love the way that each one represents a short story that’s part of a broader whole. Also, political cartoons are (I think) a really fun way to keep up with current events. Three of my favorite comics are:

  1. Pearls Before Swine: a lighthearted comic about a disgruntled rat and a very kind pig. This one doesn’t have a broader storyline, but I love how optimistic the comic is. This comic sometimes discusses some more serious current events, and I think that it does a great job of balancing humor with those topics.
  2. Brewster Rockit: a futuristic comic about space men and women and their adventures with aliens. This one is fun and sometimes very clever. The astronauts regularly meet new aliens, and this leads to some really creative storylines.
  3. Pickles: a classic cartoon strip about an elderly couple Earl and Opal. This one is purely for the comedy. Earl is an elderly man who makes lots of dad jokes, and Opal just tries to put up with him most of the time.

Missed the last CED in 3? Darice Brooks, a Kinesiology doctoral student, shared 3 favorite local spots for maintaining health and wellness