The MQM faculty conducts an annual review of each student’s academic and professional development. The annual review gives the student and faculty an opportunity to reflect upon the student’s strengths, weaknesses, and needed areas for professional growth. If the student’s work is deficient in any manner, this review process will allow for the development of specific remedial plans.
The annual review will consider the student’s progress in the following areas:
- Completion of academic coursework
- Completion of program milestones (e.g., program plan, comprehensive exams)
- Participation in a community of scholars and practitioners
The annual review will begin with the student preparing a brief written self-assessment using the Annual Review form to summarize key developments in the above areas. The self-assessment is submitted to the advisor by the beginning of the fall semester. In developing the self-assessment, the student may wish to consult their advisor, course instructors and other students for feedback. After reviewing the student’s annual review materials and gathering feedback from other faculty, the advisor will write a letter to the student discussing his/her progress in the Program and any particular strengths and weaknesses. If necessary, plans will be made at this time to address any areas of weakness that may require more focused attention.