Homecoming 2024: The Tradition Continues!
Regardless of where we are in the world, we are united by a common thread: being Spartans.
Enjoy these favorite memories from College of Education alums who have participated in our Homecoming celebration! Expand the text under a photo to read more about the moment or people.
2024 Theme: “Welcome Home, Spartans!” We’re celebrating the days when alums called MSU home.

Erin Loughrey
Five words to describe the photo: Great friends came out of the College of Ed!

Secondary English grads

Olivia Alfredson
Five words to describe the photo: The prettiest place to learn!

Dayna Britton
Five words to describe the photo: Secondary Education Science Teachers, 1995

Runqi Chen
Five words to describe the photo: Graduation in the Breslin Center!

Abigail Coleman
Five words to describe the photo: Community, Motivation, Friendship and Education

Mallory DePrekel
Five words to describe the photo: Homecoming 2006! Two COE grads!

Alison Doyle-Hoover
Five words to describe the photo: Proud Spartan from day one!

Paige Drob
Five words to describe the photo: Time spent with squirrels!

Carol Duvall
Five words to describe the photo: 1968 MSU CONCERT READY!

Christina Ebmeyer
Five words to describe the photo: MSU is home for my family!

Anne Fauth Sparling
Five words to describe the photo: Freshman friends made in Yakeley Hall!

Laurie Fergus
Five words to describe the photo: Delta Sigma Phi Homecoming party Fall of 1983

Maddie Gryzen
Five words to describe the photo: 2024 graduated!

Troia Gulley
Five words to describe the photo: Graduation year, my best year!

McKennah Heckman
Five words to describe the photo: Life-changing, inclusive and friendly faces!

Mustapha Issahaku
Five words to describe the photo: Global Spartans who experienced MSU’s campus and College of Education through the Reeves Scholars Program (Reciprocal Visitation Exchange Program).

Deborah Karabees-Betts
Five words to describe the photo: Spartan Spirit FOREVER! 1972!

Mark Kiraly
Five words to describe the photo: Spring of ’93 preparing farewells.

Alexis Lefevre
Five words to describe the photo: COVID graduation 2021!

Abigail Lemek
Five words to describe the photo: Future Math Teachers!

Wendy Lesoski
Five words to describe the photo: Graduation Day!

Stephanie Livingston
Five words to describe the photo: A gorgeous fall afternoon!

Francesca Loetzner
Five words to describe the photo: PPOTA President & Vice-President!

Jordan Loudermilk
Five words to describe the photo: Study Abroad in New Zealand 2019

Jasmine Martinez
Five words to describe the photo: Taking my sweet boy to campus!

Molly McGinnis
Five words to describe the photo: Giving the student address!

Katie Michael
Five words to describe the photo: Best college ever!!!

Kathryn Miller
Five words to describe the photo: Unforgettable connections with language educators!

Mallory (Crowley) Mitchell
Five words to describe the photo: The day our secondary education cohort finished our student teaching year!

Isabella Anne Moayer Randall
Five words to describe the photo: Making my dreams come true!

Rachel Paris
Five words to describe the photo: First day of graduate school!

Maddy Payne
Five words to describe the photo: Freshman year GECP Dearborn trip!

Jenna Pratt
Five words to describe the photo: The student teaching internship cohort that became family!

Peyton Rainwater
Five words to describe the photo: Graduation 2023 with Sparty!

Andrea Raysin
Five words to describe the photo: College of Education MS!

Chelsea Reichel
Five words to describe the photo: Roommates and College of Education.

Hailey Schaendorf
Five words to describe the photo: Graduation from MSU 2022!

Allison Selden
Five words to describe the photo: Engagement photos with a Sparty surprise!

Erika Sponsler
Five words to describe the photo: Emmons Lounge—FRIENDS with Tracy!

Greg Stevens
Five words to describe the photo: TE 802 cohort celebration!

Brianna Vono
Five words to describe the photo: Graduating during the 2020 pandemic.

Gabby Wahla
Five words to describe the photo: Graduating in a pandemic!

Jiayun Wei
Five words to describe the photo: Graduation!

Emily Weiner
Five words to describe the photo: Class of 2017!

Alanna Wilson
Five words to describe the photo: College of Ed 2014 grads!

Maddie Wilke
Five words to describe the photo: New Zealand Study Abroad!

Ella Woehlke
Five words to describe the photo: A graduation memory from spring 2024!

Anna Womack
Five words to describe the photo: Masters in K-12 Admin Graduation!

Ben Zaleski
Five words to describe the photo: MSU MAET Overseas 23’ final reception dinner!

Monica Antonio
I graduated from MSU COE with a Ph.D. in Educational Policy in 2011. Shortly thereafter I moved to the DC-area to embark on a career in the Federal government. I currently support workforce development programs at the U.S. Department of Labor. I also am an aspiring hotel developer; I recently participated in “She Has a Deal”, a pitch competition for women trying to become hotel owners. Additionally, I recently went back to school to become a Clinical Mental Health Counselor, with a focus on trauma and somatic healing. I’m enjoying this chapter of my life! Go Green!

Erica Bedolla
I finished my 5 year program at MSU in 2003. I am currently working as a special education resource room teacher with Waverly Community Schools and am proud to be a mentor teacher this year for a MSU intern teacher! This is our first day of school picture! Go Green!

Katherine Booher
My undergraduate and graduate experience at Michigan State led me to Montana, where I work in workforce development and also teach at the local university. My husband (also an MSU alum!) and our sweet pup Sparty love meeting fellow Spartans in big sky country.

Katie Borglin
Flint Cultural Center Academy- Integrating the arts and sciences through everyday learning. Being able to attend multiple art and science institutes on our campus drives curiosity with our students.

Ashley Brown
This is my husband and I in a beautiful area of land in Mason, MI. Mason is where we call home. I am a special education teacher at Mason High School. We have two beautiful children that attend Mason Public Schools. I am forever grateful to MSU’s College of Education (class of 2008). My husband works at MSU and we LOVE that our TIES to MSU will be forever. GO GREEN and love from Mason, MI.

Samantha Caswell
Currently continuing my education at MSU in the special education masters program and about to start my first year of teaching as a K-4 resource room teacher in Livonia Public Schools.

Christine Choi
My time at MSU College of Education led me back to my home state of California where I get to serve first-generation, income-eligible students with a focus on the APIDA community! I cherish my time at MSU and though I never thought I would, I even miss the snow! Shoutout to the Erickson flowers for blooming right when I took my grad photos 🙂

Bailey Clark
At a brand new school in the Lansing School District, setting up my first classroom!

Sarah Day
After 5 rewarding years at MSU’s College of Education, I’m now living my dream of being a Special Educator at Birmingham Public Schools!

Paige Drob
I think Southeastern Michigan will always be the place I call home. I’ve grown up here and being able to be back full time is awesome! It’s where so many of my favorite places are such as Pine Knob (the location of my picture). I’m a big music person and SE Michigan is home to so many awesome concert venues! I also love spending weekends on lake St. Clair. I am so excited to begin my student teaching in the SEMI region and hopefully find a long-term job here!

Lidia Dury
I now live in Houston, TX teaching middle school science! I love exploring Houston and taking advantage of being so close to NASA!

Grace Eberts
My journey as a Spartan Educator has led me to leave my impact on middle school students as a language arts teacher in Plymouth-Canton Community Schools.

John Enerson
After graduating from Michigan State University and completing my internship year, my fiancé (also an MSU grad) and I moved to Pennsylvania. I’ve just started my second year teaching middle school science in Susquehanna Township!

Afton Glynn
I have moved back to Grand Rapids and I’m working on setting up my classroom! I’m about to start my first year teaching third grade and I’m so beyond excited!! MSU will always be my second home.

Kristen Hansen
Teaching World History and American History at Forest Park High School in Woodbridge, VA!

Maryann Hasso
This was a summer trip in Italy.

Emelie Helsen
This photo was taken on Tram 28 in Lisbon, on one of my weekends away from where I live in London, UK. When I graduated from my MA in Student Affairs Administration in 2016, I stayed one more year in the USA and then came back to Europe. Home is a complex yet positive story for me. I was born and raised in Belgium, moved to the UK in 2000 to study, continued working here until I came to East Lansing, and then came back to London. Home tends to be where my heart feels it needs to be, where professional opportunities are (I have worked at a few universities since my return as faculty and an SAA professional), and where I enjoy the diversity of thought, ideas, and people. My story is still being written, but EL will always hold a special place in my heart and thoughts!

Erin Holt
After 5 years of getting my MSU college of education degree in Special Education, I am now a special education teacher in Okemos Public Schools!

Adam Greteman
This is a headshot of me in my office at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, where I am an Associate Professor of Art Education.

Helena Jankowski
I am now a special education teacher living in Chicago, IL. My time at the MSU College of Education, especially the Urban Education Cohort, made me into the educator I am today. I love my city, but I will always be a Spartan. Go Green!

Abby Jaroszewicz
My partner and I met while both attending Michigan State and now our life journey has taken us to Colorado! I love that I get to work for another large, land-grant, green-and-white institution—Colorado State University!

Mary Klotz
Upon graduating from MSU in 2016, I moved to Chicago to complete my student teaching internship. Since completing my internship, I have been teaching in Chicago Public Schools as a special education teacher.

Marissa Kornatowski
Being a Spartan Educator in the Tri-State area has allowed me to find a piece of home in NYC. With views like these, it’s easy to find inspiration within each day!

Haley Kornburger
I graduated from MSU in 2019 and completed my student teaching from 19-20. I started my teaching career in the middle of the pandemic and got my dream teaching job at Lake Orion High School. I am entering into my 4th year teaching biology and physical science and I couldn’t be happier. I love where I teach and coach swimming. I enjoy making an impact on my students and pushing them to reach and achieve their goals. I have even taken on a student teacher to continue to inspire the next generation of teachers coming through! MSU has provided me the tools to be the best educator I can be. Go green, go white, go College of Ed!

Lindsey Kronemeyer
This is a picture of me in my classroom. I worked so hard to make it feel like a home. I have string light and lamps to make the lighting less harsh. It was a goal of mine to have a classroom that made my students feel safe and comfortable.

Alexis Lambdin
My journey at MSU through the college of Ed and the UECP brought me to the little city of Hamtramck. I teach 1st graders with roots from all over the world. I love incorporating their culture and others into our first grade curriculum on community. Here I am after last year’s lesson on Holi. Its so much fun exploring the world within our classroom.

Jasmine Lee
This image is a screenshot of an announcement of my Vice Presidency at Goucher College.

Annabel Leonova
I am just down the road in Detroit, MI at Wayne State University. I am working in residential life.

Stephanie Livingston
A view of Nice and the Mediterranean on a trip with students to France, Italy, and Spain

Yichen Liu
From Lansing School District to Pasadena Unified School District in California

Rebekah McBride
I work with current high schoolers as an Admissions Counselor in the University of Michigan’s Office of Undergraduate Admissions, but I’ll always be a Spartan!

Sydney McLean
I am living in Grand Rapids, Michigan and completing my student teaching at Buchanan elementary. In my photo, that is me and my mentor teacher on the first day of school! I am currently in a resource room with 4th and 5th graders!

Ian Meador
I’ve traveled all over the world, but I call Chicago home.

Brooke Nelson
This year marked the start of my 10th year teaching Special Education.

Bethany Ortiz
Photo of the Wasatch Mountains in Salt Lake City, UT; taken from I-215 (from the passenger seat!) just before sunset in early January 2020. At this time, I was actually still an MSU student, completing my full-time school psychology internship at Granite School District in SLC. This curve on I-215 has one of the best views of the Wasatch!

Madison Payne
After graduating from MSU in 2021, I student taught in Lansing School District. Following my internship year, I decided to stay in Lansing & continue working for the district. This picture was taken in my 2nd grade class as I met with my students to one of our favorite books, “Our Classroom Family”. I am fortunate for the opportunity to inspire the minds of 2nd graders each day.

Tonya Porter
Home is Bangkok, New York City, Hong Kong, Grand Rapids and the 4th of July @ Big Whitefish Lake in Michigan.

Chelsea Reichel
After my 5 years at Michigan State, I returned to my hometown to teach Special Education at Battle Creek Public Schools. Though my school colors are blue and gold now, GO GREEN is forever! Chelsea Reichel B.A. Class of 2022

Mary Ross
My Spartan journey has taken me from ivy-covered halls to the Green Mountains of Vermont.

Elizabeth Sanchez
My Spartan journey has taken me from the ivy colored halls of MSU to Orange, CA where I manage the Office of Parent and Family Engagement at Chapman University. This picture is a photo that parent took of me at a reception we held for incoming families. The parent used their photo magnet frame to capture me in my element – helping other families!

Gopi Savalia
I went from studying in East Lansing to working in the suburbs of Philadelphia – back to where I grew up! This is now my 5th year as an elementary school teacher in the Wissahickon School District and I’m just getting started. This photo marks the start of another morning as a Spartan educator!

Alyssa Slamp
I teach kindergarten in the greater Grand Rapids area! I love the district I am in and am looking forward to my kids joining me there when they are school age! My building is filled with MSU College of Education alum!

Erika Sponsler
I have been teaching social studies and yearbook for 25 years in the Western School District in Parma MI. I have additionally spent the last decade as the social studies consultant for Jackson County ISD. I frequently attend PD to bring back ideas and resources to share with colleagues around the county. This summer I was part of the NCHE EPiC Histories program where we toured DC for a week learning about museum and place-based education.

Kenidee Trafford
I graduated May 2023 with my bachelors in Special Education and Learning Disabilities. My home this fall is now going to be a 3rd grade classroom in Swartz Creek! I will be interning this year and I cannot wait.

Sarah Trimner
Visiting a kindergarten classroom listening to our littlest learners read.

Scott Abramouski
This picture was taken on our graduation day in 2012 at the Breslin Center. I loved learning from instructors whether it be classes or labs in Kinesiology.

Lauren Adler
My first Meet-the-Teacher as the teacher!

Hans A. Andrews
My Master’s Degree in School Counseling was started just after MSU began offering the program. It blended well with my many hours in my B.S. degree in Psychology. I was able to use the degree as a secondary school counselor, community college evening college counselor, and Vice President of Community Services and Dean of Students. The counseling background served me well as a community college Dean of Instruction and in my years as President at Olney Central (Community) College in Illinois.

Rebecca Armstrong
During my 38-year career as a special education teacher, I realized that school was the main source of my students’ social life. I decided that in my retirement I would plan social events for my former students who have now graduated. It’s been a wonderful experience for them and especially for me! Mostly we get together in small groups but two large events that bring many together are Relay for Life and Playmakers Autumn Classic. We have such a good time together! But the best part is I don’t have to write a report or do an evaluation.

Lauren Agnello
My friends and I met freshman year in our GECP Education class. Margo Glew was one of our professors who continued to support us throughout our four years at Michigan State and beyond.

Angela Armstrong
This was taken at the Homecoming football 🏈 game in 2018. It was the first time I had been back to campus since I graduated in 1984 from the College of Education at the newly built Wharton Center! Had a wonderful time! Visited my old stomping grounds, Rather Hall and the Brody dining complex. It was amazing to see all the changes on campus and the new buildings that have been erected.

Emma Avery Keen
I was studying in the library when I was one of three teachers elected to demonstrate how Michigan Bell Telephone company set up direct long distance dialing. My graduation name was Jane E. Avery. The picture was taken after I married Lloyd Corliss and was working on my master’s degree.

Linda Kolasa Barker
In February 1974, I student taught at Meadowbrook Elementary in Rochester, Michigan. Part of my 10-week term was a camping experience with 6th graders at Island Lake State Park. That taught me to be flexible, outgoing, and organized. I went on to a 41-year career in education in Traverse City, Michigan.

Deborah Barnett
Best years of my life! I’ve been a teacher and math consultant for 27 years – even had the opportunity to teach in China. MSU’s degree is like no other one. It is the hardest job and the most rewarding one as well. Prof Lappan (CMP) still is my mentor/idol.

Kyle Bechtel
This is a picture from my student teaching in 2013 when Sparty stopped by my placement school.

Denzil Bell
Photo was taken at Scholarship Dinner at MSU. Mary Jean Bell and Denzil M. Bell. The Denzil M. and Mary Jean Bell Endowed Scholarship in Education was established 2017. Denzil was always grateful for the education he received at MSU and for the career opportunities that education provided him. The bequest to MSU seeks to provide for future generations of teachers to enjoy the same meaningful career while contributing to the education of the generations after them. Denzil earned his BS degree at MSU in Biology and Physical Science in 1968. His career began as a science and math teacher with Battle Creek Public Schools. He earned his MA at MSU in 1972. He spent six years at KCC as Placement Director and Personnel Director. Other positions included Assistant Superintendent and Superintendent. After 32 years in education, he retired in 2000. Retirement has been spent traveling, serving in many volunteer organizations, woodworking, church, Lions Club, mission trips and loving the role of Grandpa!

Dale Berry
Chosen as the K-12 Alumni Teacher of the Year. Name on a plaque in Erickson Hall.

Judith Berry
The picture is my 2017 official superintendent photo of a school district. This photo is memorable because of my educational administration training in the College of Education.

Katie Berry
I graduated from MSU in 2019 with an education degree! After completing my internship in Mt Clemens, I took a full-time teaching position in Flint, Michigan. I work at the Flint Cultural Center Academy teaching 3rd grade! The school, staff, and students are absolutely amazing and I feel so lucky to be a part of this brand new, unique school! We are changing children’s lives around the Flint community! This is a picture of me teaching. I am a hybrid teacher due to COVID. I teach face-to-face students and online at the same time!

Michele Betts
2019 tailgating. I graduated from MSU in 1988. Luke graduated from MSU in 2019. Hailee is going to school to be a teacher.

Bryan Beverly
This photo is of me and my daughter at the 2019 College of Education Homecoming tent celebration. Go Green!

Bobbie Biby
MSU has touched my life in so many ways. I met my husband while I was doing my student teaching. This picture was taken at the MSU-Northwestern football game in October 2017.

Candace Bill
When I started my Master of Education in 2017, I had no idea how much the world would change by the time I was done. I was really hoping to wear my green and walk across the stage upon graduation, but being a Canadian has prevented me from going across the border to celebrate. This photo was taken on my Mom’s porch not long after I received my degree. My Mom (who recently passed) would be so proud of how much I accomplished in the last 5 years. I am proud to call myself an MSU alumni and I am a proud Spartan!

Glenda Borowski
Represented MSU, 2021 Big Ten 10k.

Bri Bovee
I graduated in May of 2022. I am now teaching Kindergarten in Goodrich Public Schools. I’ve loved every second so far!

Ashlynn (Seymour) Briseno
First day of first grade! Been waiting 5 years for this.

Du Bui
I have so many memories of my time at Michigan State. because I attended MSU for my undergrad and graduate courses I could go on and on. My time in MAET (Educational Technology) was meaningful and impactful in so many ways. I learned about many concepts, engaged in authentic learning, played kickball, and developed many connections that have directly influenced my career path. Cheers to MAET and the continued connections to this day.

Katie Burk
Sharing music with students in Holt.

Grace Byrne
My first day at Novi Schools back in the fall of 2017! All thanks to my education and experience at MSU!

Marilyn Callahan
My family has 9 MSU grads, 3 from the College of Education. As a high school counselor, I advised numerous well-qualified students to attend MSU. My son, J. Scott Callahan (BS & DVM from MSU) and I made a visit back to MSU last year for my 83rd birthday. Being at Erickson Hall and visiting with Sparty revived many wonderful memories.

Trace Camacho
I came to MSU for my first professional job in the Division of Student Affairs and got my Ph.D. in Higher, Adult, and Lifelong Education. I’m now back in California working at CSULB as the Director of Student Life and Development.

Aubriex Cason
Being a graduate of the College of Arts and Letters, pursuing secondary education, has opened so many doors for me that I never realized when I was an undergraduate student. I currently work in higher education administration, which has been the highlight of my career. Just being a graduate of Michigan State University has allowed me to make so many connections that have led to professional experiences, not to mention the close friendships that grew out of my time there. I even met my husband at orientation! To say Michigan State literally changed the trajectory of my life would not be an understatement!

Madison Chandler
Upon hearing that our graduation ceremony would be virtual, MSU Kinesiology professor Dr. Jim Pivarnik reached out and offered to take some photos for members of my cohort around campus. I will forever be grateful to him for capturing these special memories (especially here on the steps of IM Circle, where we all spent so much time)!

Michael Chapman
This photo is outside of Jenison Field House on graduation day, 2012. Spent hours in this building growing as a sports medicine professional. This photo reminds me of the celebration of being a first-generation student to have earned a bachelor’s degree. Pure joy.

Bernard Charles
I am entering my 9th year of teaching and come back to MSU often. As a graduate from the College of Education as an undergrad in 2012 and a graduate student with a Master’s in Teaching and Curriculum, Michigan State is a critical part of my teaching identity. This photo was taken inside the student union after serving on a speaking panel within Erickson to potential students and also at the time students undertaking their internships. This moment is memorable as it was a journey down memory lane as my teaching has taken allowed me to teach both domestically and internationally, but my second home will always be East Lansing.

Joseph Chiaramonte
Although my Education degree only took me to the classroom for one year, it allowed me 39 years with Steelcase, Inc.
Having the opportunity for a variety of positions in Product Marketing, Field Sales Mgmt, Educational & Institutional Sales Mgmt., Learning & Development Mgmt and finally Steelcase University Facility Mgmt. What a wonderful career I was able to enjoy and retire from. I even served on the College of Education Alumni Board, as well as, the National Alumni Association as Chairman. All because it started out with my education at the MSU College of Education. What can I say … Spartans Will ! 👍

Anthony DeRosa
This is the beginning of my 16th year of teaching. I continue to learn and refine my craft. I look forward to continuing to inspire my students. Go Green!

Alison Dominguez
This photo was taken in my first-grade classroom during my student teaching.

Alison Doyle-Hoover
During our secondary English courses, we had to make masks to go along with the masquerade scene in Romeo and Juliet. At the time, we were all pretty annoyed with it (probably because it was an 8am class). However, after the fact, we all realized the importance of incorporating creativity, group work, socialization, and fun into the curriculum.

Kelsey Drews
I graduated from the Michigan State College of Ed back in 2012. Since then I’ve taught middle school in Dearborn, moved to Georgia, taught 5th, 2nd, and 3rd grade. This past spring I won teacher of the year for Fulton County. I owe MSU for preparing me for this dynamic field and giving me the confidence to tackle every challenge I’ve faced during my career.

Lidia Drury
I graduated spring of 2020, aka the class with the pandemic graduation! I am currently in my student teaching year virtually and I’m loving every minute of it in a very diverse school with an incredible mentor. It’s an experience that I never would have had without MSU’s College of Education!

Mary Lou Duncan
Taken in front of Landon Hall in 1950. Member of Tau Sigma.

Carol DuVall
Mother and daughter, both educators with a combined teaching career of 62 years, at the MSU stadium rooting for our alma mater.

Christina M. Ebmeyer
I met my husband at MSU and together we have created a future spartan! Go Green!!

Jane Einberger
The photo was taken on September 13, 2021 in my yard. I lived here for most of my teaching career in special education.

Mattison Emery
This photo was taken after we had our virtual ceremony to celebrate the end of our internship year. My best friends and roommates were able to live together throughout the internship year, and this special moment showcases how excited we were to begin our journey as educators.

Samantha Fegan
This fall was my first time teaching in-person since I finished my student teaching internship. I’m very excited to be back on campus and to be teaching fellow Spartans again!

Haley Feldpausch
This is me on my study abroad trip where I truly discovered my love for education and the need and importance of teachers. Teachers can have such an impact on students and granted I didn’t formally work with students I had the opportunity to work with children in refugee camps. I will forever take my experiences in Greece and carry them into my career as a teacher.

Alan & Kate Ferraro
Keeping it all in the family!

Laurie Fergus
Our first home game in two years. With my college sweetheart and husband of 35 years. We love and miss our MSU campus!!! Go Green! 💚💚💚

Jennifer Flanagan
Jennifer Flanagan Dawson, Class of 2010, Graduation day from MSU. All 3 of us Flanagan sisters went to MSU. Class of 2003 and Class of 2012.

Hannah Friend
MSU College of Education Graduate 2021. This photo was taken at the MSU Children’s Gardens by the giant crayons and school house! This day was so special to me because I finally reached the milestone of being a college graduate and beginning my student teacher internship. Not only that, but it had been over a year since I had seen my colleagues and fellow Spartan educators in person–this ceremony was truly unforgettable. I feel honored to be a Spartan alum and to continue to work with the MSU community as I reach my dream of becoming a teacher.

Jing Gao
Proud to be a teacher as MSU college of education alumni! Make the world a better place by make positive influence on kids everyday is the best job in the world!

Taylor Garber
I graduated from the College of Education in May 2021, and I am currently completing my 5th year internship! I am a part of the new residency program in Eastpointe, MI, and I love it. This picture was taken in front of Erickson Hall a few days before graduation – it makes me miss MSU’s campus so much.

Nawal Ghatas
From May 2011 when I graduated.

Larissa Gibson
The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has taught us educators to be more flexible than ever before. This photo was taken on my first day physically returning back to the classroom as a hybrid reading interventionist. Thank you MSU for being the first place that actively taught me how to be a flexible educator.

Nancy Gibson
My husband and I graduated from the College of Education in 1971 and 1972 respectively. We both taught elementary and middle school and were administrators throughout our careers. We live in the area and visit the beautiful campus often. Our blood continues to run Green!

Jenny Gilbert
Standing in front of the Spartan statue on campus.

Elizabeth Gil
As a graduate research assistant in the K-12 Educational Administration program, I helped to coordinate Dr. Lisa Delpit’s presentation for the College of Education’s Urban Education Speaker Series in the spring of 2013. She also met with doctoral students over lunch in Erickson Hall.

Ernesto Gonzalez
My favorite memory was painting the rock with a few of my cohort mates during the week of graduation. We hung out all day by the rock and painted it at 12am with a little break in-between to do our midnight scream with the rest of campus one last time.

Rebekah R. Gordon
I will never forget my orientation to the CITE PhD program which coincided with the “Great American Eclipse” on August 21, 2017. The 13 members of our cohort spent shared a pair of cardboard glasses to catch glimpses of this once-in-a-lifetime event. The crescent-shaped shadows around Erickson Hall were mesmerizing.

Jennifer Grivins
This is my classroom where I teach chemistry and agriscience. My students are practicing their floriculture skills. I love everything I have been able to teach with my chemistry, environmental studies and agriscience certifications. Proudly display my MSU flag.

Susan Gutierrez
Met my best friend in life at the College of Ed! 30+ years and rolling!

Melissa Gutwein
Getting to collaborate with people who are passionate about the nitty-gritty, genuine work of education at MSU was and continues to be such a blessing! Through UECP, I met and learned from people who place social justice and anti-racism at the center of their craft.

Christina Haggerty
This picture was taken during a football game watch-party last year. All three of us are Spartans! My fiance and I both graduated from the College of Ed!

David Hales
I work at the Wayne Regional Educational Service Agency as the K-12 Social Studies Consultant. My commitment to equity and social justice for the students of Wayne County is a direct reflection of the people and programs I experienced in the MSU College Of Education. A big shout out to Dr. Joyce Putnam!

Dakota Halma
I just graduated from MSU this past May (2020) and am now participating in my teaching internship! I included a picture of me and my virtual zoom background for school. I am teaching 4th grade at Hiawatha Elementary School in Okemos and loving every minute!

Angela Hards
This was a photo of me with Sparty on the day of the virtual graduation for EdD students in May 2021. Although the ceremony was not in person I had my picture taken with Sparty because nothing was going to stop me from having my graduation day photo. Spartans Will!

Lois K. Halsted
Lee and Lois Halsted are President Club Members and active Livingston County MSU Alumni Members. As Scholarship Chairperson for this MSU Alumni organization, Lois is proud to share that the members and friends of Livingston County Spartans have provided $1000 textbook scholarships for approximately 95 seniors graduating from all high schools in Livingston County since 2011.

Earsker Hawkins
I’m pictured here with my loving wife & children who supported me throughout my educational journey. The HALE M.A. program was instrumental in helping me guide my two oldest sons throughout their journey as well while in college. I get great satisfaction in watching my sons grow and understand the rigors in higher learning throughout their educational journey.
My future goal is to pursue a student advisory position within the higher education arena. As a senior enlisted advisor in the military, I’m a strong advocate in continuing one’s educational path. I try to instill this passion within the ranks of the junior non-commissioned officers & officers alike.
Truly this has been a remarkable experience & I feel that I’m equipped & well-prepared in facing new challenges. Preparing oneself to meet these challenges is the true essence of a Spartan. Go Green!!!!

Nicole Hefty
This photo is at Erickson Hall and is from my graduation this past spring! I wanted to make sure I got a picture with the building because of how important the College of Education was for me. Specifically, in my senior year of my undergraduate degree, I learned so many incredible things from my instructors (and am still learning in my internship year). They have been awesome and are truly working to help me be the best teacher I can be!

Jeanne M. Hemond
I’m retired now, but I taught Construction Trades at Operation GRAD, an alternative high school in Battle Creek. I was teaching there when I got my master’s at MSU. The two together, I feel with certainty, are the best things I have ever done. Thanks MSU for helping this former at risk kid help other at risk kids. Spartans WILL.

Julianna Hernandez
I was the first in my family to obtain a college degree, and then a master’s degree from MSU. I wouldn’t change my experience. I’ll forever be proud to be a Spartan!

Mel House
United Teachers Los Angeles on strike in 2019! The two most important lessons I learned while at MSU: join your union, and open a retirement account as soon as you get that first paycheck. I currently serve as a California Director for the National Education Association, and teach elementary Physical Education in Los Angeles.

George Honer
Me and my family at the 2014 Rose Bowl.

Lisa Hoyumpa
Bringing my daughter and husband back to MSU for a college visit in August of 2019. Maybe a future Spartan!!!

Vaughn Hubinger
Home is where your heart is.
Thank you to the College of Education, and PEK for making MSU my forever home! Go Green!

Shuaiqi Hu
I was so excited when I was finally admitted to the College of Education! I was so honored to wear a College of Education lanyard, and the photo was taken in Wells Hall, on my way to do my first field placement.

Scott Hutchins
Celebrating the culmination of my wonderful time at the MSU COE with my fiancé Erin (Moore) Hutchins. May 7, 1998 commencement.

Marie Alexandra Ibarra
It’s been over a year since we graduated as a cohort. While we’ve gone our separate ways, I am grateful to each one of them for the shared lessons and knowledge I’ve carried with me to this day.

Christina Igl
Graduating during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Taylor Itsell-Olson
After three years of going back to school as a non-traditional student, I was finally able to put on my cap and gown and walk across the stage at graduation. Ten years ago when I first graduated from college, I never thought it would be possible for me to go back and do what I wanted to do all along … become a special education teacher. Not only was it possible, but I did it with a 4.0 GPA and as a recipient of the Board of Trustees highest academic achievement award. It’s never too late to follow your passion and to do what makes you feel truly alive. The words of my favorite former teacher and mentor (who sadly passed away before I could tell him that I was going back to school to become a teacher) filled my heart on graduation day…
“To possess knowledge is important, but to impart knowledge and to witness its power to strengthen the lives of others is life altering” – Fred Partlow

Lana K. Jacobs
41 years since graduation and it feels like I never left! As a season ticket holder for football, I’m sure going to miss sitting in Spartan Stadium this fall, but I’ll always be a proud and loyal Spartan! Go Green, Go White!!

Timothy and Patricia (Keilen) Jackson
Patty and Tim met as members of the Spartan Marching Band, and while Pat started as a high school band teacher, Tim quickly realized he missed the boat by not being involved in education. Many years later Tim joined Pat in PUBLIC school administration … specifically Career and Technical Education. After over 30 years of service and assisting thousands of high school students find their career focus, both Tim and Pat are PROUD alumni of MSU. We love that our Spartan gear is recognized all around the world with “Go Green” heard in Tokyo, Amsterdam, Rome, Brugge, and Beijing. We love being Spartans!

Hannah Johnson
Senior year in the Spartan Marching Band as a member of the Big Ten Flag Corps. I walked past the Sparty statue on a daily basis to get to Kinesiology classes and research, as well as for the marching band.

Hyun-Jun Joo
Graduation ceremony.

Kathleen A. Jordan
MSU enabled me to enjoy my teaching and administrative duties overseas. Happy days there. Happy virtual Homecoming everyone!! Spartans will.

Raven Jones Stanbrough
I remain honored to have been taught and mentored by some of the best faculty in the world. Thankful to have been hooded in 2016 by my former research mentor and dissertation co-chair, Dr. Django Paris. It truly takes a village!

Debby E Karabees-Betts
MSU was definitely the most amazing force behind 40 years of my career in teaching high school in Taylor, Michigan. I continue to honor my love and commitment to the Spartan Nation by attending Homecoming and relaxing by the beautiful Red Cedar after a quarter of alumni cheerleading at our football games. Go State and thanks to the School of Education for enhancing my life.

Shubha Kashyap
Sharing an alumni moment at Breslin. In my GA role during grad school at the College of Ed, I coordinated tutoring services for student-athletes. It is always fun to see them excelling in the classroom and on the courts/fields. Go State!

Khemara Khiev
My first winter at MSU. I was out early on that day and was just mesmerized by the beauty of Erickson Hall on the winter day.

Mark A. Kiraly
While doing videos on YouTube to help students prepare for the APA Calculus Exams, I was amazed by the outreach from fellow Spartans—both classmates and those who came before and after me. Our efforts during the pandemic fill me with pride. While I look forward to something closer to normal, I know that my fellow College of Ed alumni are taking on all challenges to the best of their abilities. Spartans Will!

Kim Kley-Brown
At the FIRST Big Ten Championship Game, 2011, Lucas Oil Stadium, Indianapolis, Indiana – GO GREEN!

Marissa Kornatowski
UECP Class of 2020! These people became my lifelong friends, roommates, and the greatest people I met at MSU. It’s been so fun following our journeys over the years knowing that our passion for teaching was really rooted in our freshman year classes together. I am forever thankful for these people and the wonderful professors we had who inspired us all to change the world.

Andrew Kowalski
Studying music education at MSU gave me so many opportunities to be a part of great things! I also added a math endorsement through MSU and am now a National Board Certified Teacher at a terrific school. My College of Education course experiences are among my fond memories at MSU. Go Green!

Laura Kueffner
Spring 1999 in front of Erickson Hall after we finished our internships and earned our teaching certificates. Laura (Roach) Kueffner and Kristin (Povlitz) Frang.

Olivia Kraeuter
These Spartans stayed in school! We met in the Elementary Ed program and bonded over our Math Concentration. Following graduation, we all went back to elementary grades to finish our internship year and enter the field we love!

Lorie Kryk
My family is my world.

Tami Kuhn
This photo was taken as my professional headshot when I was the Director of the MSU Union. I am always thankful for all the opportunities I have had at MSU for professional growth. That all started when I came to MSU for TWO YEARS to complete my MA. I never left. MSU is a special place for so many reasons.

Allison Lackner
The College of Education gave me my lifelong friends. Specific my best friend and college roommate. We met during freshman orientation when signing up for classes. Then ended up living together freshman year through senior year. I can’t imagine my college experience without her. Instagram photo credit: alansito_photos

Katherine Lechman
This photo connects me to the College of Education via the experiences I have been able to access as a result of my education. Every day I use what I learned at MSU and the College of Education in the work I do to prepare University of Montana students for their careers after graduation. I was sporting my University of Montana T-shirt for move-in day, but I will always be a Spartan at heart. Notice the MSU flag in the background that lives proudly on my home!

Wendy Lesoski
I am tutoring virtually and in-person dyslexic students. I work with students in the state of Michigan, in other countries and all across the United States. Besides this, I have spoken about dyslexia at various conferences, worked on creating Orton Gillingham Curriculum and have elementary classroom teaching experience. I also do consultation work and help parents and students advocate for themselves in schools all over the state of Michigan. I am certified through MDI (Michigan Dyslexia Institute). It has been a JOY to share the educational teacher training that I gained at MSU, in the specialized form! GO GREEN!

James Levande
I came to MSU’s College of Education planning to move on once my degrees were completed. In stead, I remained in East Lansing to pursue a career in teaching and consulting.

Mary K. Lincoln
MSU taught me to be a teacher and in return my students never forget where I went to college!

Stephanie Livingston
If you can get spirited Spartan face paint, why wouldn’t you? I enjoyed working the College of Education alumni tent for Homecoming 2019. As a member of the college Alumni Board, I was thrilled to connect with fellow educators and their families.

Brooke Locher
It has been amazing using my degree from the College of Education to help young adults learn employability skills. We get to spend our day on this amazing campus and get job experience from the plethora of opportunities available at MSU. Go Green!

Paul Luczak
I graduated in 1971 and obtained a teaching certificate in 1972. A picture from those days would be a picture of an analog photo. This is a digital photo of me and my best friend Sparty at the 2014 Rose Bowl. We attended the event with another Spartan couple. Tom and I were teachers on the Lummi reservation together. He got his certificate from MSU too. The bonds that MSU-trained educators formed in 1971 have endured for 50 years.

Roger A. Luedeman
Came to Michigan State in 1978 after doing a year at Lansing community College. My goal from the onset was a degree in recreation administration. I ended up getting in the program with Dr. Jim Brister in the College of Education in recreation and youth development. Went to ASU in the Dept. of Leisure Studies. I continued to work in the leisure industry, at the Scottsdale conference resort, where after 8 years I was able to move myself up into marketing and sales. Probably the best income year that I had with that company. Came back to Michigan 93-94, wasn’t able to get a recreation position, so I went to work for a glass company delivering windshields.

Virginia H. Lundstrom-Ndibongo
Myself in traditional Xhosa dress at the wedding celebration of my fellow South African & MSU College of Education colleague Nontlantla, held in Spartan Village community center, 1989. We both continued on to complete our degrees at MSU Summer 1993, with other friends & colleagues. Spartans WILL!

Jean Lyu
Finally got a photo with Sparty after leaving campus. This photo was from a few years back when Sparty visited the Los Angeles Spartans picnic. My favorite memory from the MSU College of Education was the faculty members, some who are still teaching, as they genuinely shared their passion and knowledge. The building itself was also very comfortable with the coffee cafe on the ground level.

Ashley Maloff
This picture marks my first day working with the MSU Resource Center for Persons with Disabilities in 2017. Ever since I graduated from the College of Education in 2012, it has always been a dream of mine to work with students with disabilities in higher education. I serve as one of the Chronic Health Ability Access Specialists. It’s an honor to work with such talented people to help maximize the ability and opportunity for students and employees with disabilities at MSU. Go Green!

Jennifer Massie
Taken with the Sparty statue and my parents on my graduation day! This was a memorable day because I was the first person in my entire extended family to graduate from college!

Tommy McGlinnen
Picture day 2021 at Springfield Plains Elementary in Clarkston, Michigan! Proudly wearing my MSU tie to celebrate my 17th year of teaching! So grateful to be a Spartan and a College of Education alum! Go Green!

Maureen McLaughlin
As an alumna of the College of Education from 1973, I love coming back to campus for Homecoming. Here I am tailgating with dear friends Larry Neuman, me, Kathy Neuman and my husband Brett McLaughlin (MSU College of Journalism 1972).

Olivia Mears
Graduation photos in front of the iconic Erickson Hall! So grateful for my time at MSU that has set me up for a wonderful career in education.

Jianyang Mei
I came to the College of Education as a Chinese international student in 2010 and spent eight years with the HALE program. I am so lucky to have had HALE faculty members teach me during those years. This picture was taken after my dissertation defense, one of the best days in my life 😀

Genna Merrick
I couldn’t have asked for a better experience at MSU in both the College of Ed and the College of Social Science! This picture was taken in front of Erickson Hall in the Spring of 2015. We had decided to walk around campus taking pictures in our caps and gowns and had to stop to take one in front of Erickson! It’s one of my favorite pictures from that day! #MSUEDHC

Larry Miller
The shirt I’m wearing in this picture is from an “Outreach to Teach” event when I went to a Lansing elementary school and helped repaint hallways and landscapes with some fellow College of Education peers. Little did I know that Lansing would be where I spend my yearlong student teaching internship! I was placed at J.W. Sexton High School to teach Government and Economics in 2010. As you can see from the ducks, I was walking along the Red Cedar in this picture.

Elizabeth Mors
I absolutely love being on campus. Even though my program and graduation were all online, I never miss an excuse to be “back home”. Both of my parents are Spartans and we share a love for MSU. As my biggest supporters, there’s no one else I’d rather celebrate my master’s graduation with. Go Green!

Valencia Moses
From posing in the lobby to getting processional ready in the Erickson Hall Kiva! Graduation day from MSU with a Ph.D. in Curriculum, Teaching & Educational Policy on May 2, 2014. I was blessed to defend my dissertation a day before when I heard my advisor, Dr. Dorinda Carter Andrews, address me as Dr. Valencia Moses. #ohthejoy

Dawn Nacker
In front of Breslin Center with my mom in 1991. I was the first in my family to graduate from college.

Janice Nagele
(Sept. 1956). The Jackson Citizen Patriot sent a photographer and reporter to do a story on student teachers. We lived in an upstairs apartment at 1027 Francis Street in Jackson, Mich. Pictured, left to right: Janice Bedford Nagele and my roommates: Mary Jane Jackson Lutz from Onsted, Dorothy Jean Austin from Laingsburg, and Fran Leuhmann from Owosso. We are supposed to be taking a break from planning our lessons for the next day. Notice the fake sandwiches and our robes over our street clothes. A blast from my past!

Stephanie Niemi
I am an MSU College of Education graduate x 3! I completed my bachelor’s degree in 2005 in Special Education, my Master of Arts in Education in 2010, and my Master of Arts in Educational Administration in 2015! I love the support, connections, and preparation all three programs have provided me in my journey as an educator. Go Green!

Camrynn Nystrom
After how many hours I’ve spent at Erickson Hall, between class and working in the TIES office, I had to remember my time here by taking graduation photos at my favorite hall on campus!

Kelly Nyquist
Baby blue tassels for College of Education Kinesiology! I was the first person in my family to graduate from college so this was a big achievement for me! Going to Michigan State and enrolling in the College of Education was hands down one of the best decisions I have made. The advisors, the professors, and all of the support staff made my experience so memorable and I will cherish it forever!

Katelyn P. O’Brien
Hello, Spartans! I graduated from MSU’s Teacher Education program in the Spring of 2018. Immediately after graduating, I applied and was offered a teaching position at the middle school I student taught at in the 2017-2018 school year. I have since then been teaching 6th grade science at the very same school! The Teacher Education program prepared me so well for success as a young educator – and even during a pandemic I still felt prepared for new challenges. I am so thankful for my experience in the program.

Veronica O’Connor
At the request of Dean Floden, I represented the Michigan State College of Education at the induction of Dr. Thomas Bailey as President of Teachers College, Columbia University in December 2018 in New York City.

Natalie Oestreich
This was taken just last month on my first day of the internship! I get to take everything I’ve learned the last 4 years into a classroom.

Ernest Pasteur
Coming to MSU as a student/athlete in 1963 from the segregated South changed my life. Receiving my Ed Specialist degree from MSU gave me an opportunity to live my dream of becoming a high school principal, Executive Director of Maxey Boys Training School [a State of Michigan residential treatment, training and education facility for adjudicated male youth], and University Consultant for Michigan K-12 Public Charter School Academies. Go Green!

Tim Peters
I really enjoyed and learned a lot from the HALE program at MSU. I was an online student but had one class on campus (Wells Hall) and attended graduation. Good memories. Go Green!

Heather Peterson
My classroom of 30 years of teaching high school science at Holt High School and of course the Spartan flag under the periodic table! Go Green!

Lisa Plascencia
This is a picture of me and my husband celebrating MSU. Go Green!

Brian and Beth Post
Santa’s helpers were spotted at the Spartan basketball game. December 16, 2016. Both of us are alumni of the College of Education and love cheering on the Spartans.

Dawn Pruszynski
I love that these students are working cooperatively to develop and implement a bottle and can drive to raise funds for the homeless at Open Door Mission. The project integrated curriculum in math, multiple language arts areas, art, and provided an opportunity to “make a difference” in our community. That’s what the MSU College of Education is about.

Diana Rautio
This photo was taken outside of Erickson Hall after my master’s degree graduation ceremony on September 17, 2021. I had to make a stop here because this building symbolizes my journey in the College of Education at MSU for both my bachelor’s and master’s degree. I learned so much within the walls of this building! Once a Spartan, always a Spartan!

Andrea Raysin
Me sharing a XC running course map at the Spartan Invitational as a grad student in the Sport Coaching & Leadership program.

Kathryn G. Reed
Picture of my daughter and son following the graduate convocation in May 2013, where I was awarded my master’s degree. I was also a little girl when my father, who has two degrees from the College of Education, finished his master’s degree.

Sarah Repovz
Photo from my first day of student teaching. This day will forever be a memorable day for me because it was the first day I began my student teaching journey.

Julie Rice
Taken at home on Mother’s Day … my sweet husband representing MSU! What’s not to love?

Christel Rocha-Beverly
My 8-year-old daughter Isa came to work with me at Erickson one day and she was excited to sit at mommy’s desk and have a coffee with me from Sparty’s.

Christine Rosenberg Kaye
1981 Commencement- MA, Curriculum and Instruction

Diana Rowland
I graduated with these gals in the College of Education in 1963. We get together often. My dearest friends are my MSU buddies.

Traci Ruiz
Obtained my master’s degree in Adult and Continuing Education. I was a full-time student, taught at Lansing Community College, and worked as a nightshift police officer, while pregnant. MSU’s Darleen Hartig, Dr. Marilyn Amey, and Dr. Laura Bierma were my pillars. I graduated on May 10, 2000, and son, Kilian Southworth, was born five days later! Kilian is now a junior at the MSU James Madison College and plays rugby. #SpartansWill

Abigail Rusek
This was the day I went from Abby Rusek to Miss Rusek. I graduated from the College of Education in 2019 and never felt more ready to take on the role of being an educator. I will never forget the professors, classmates, and mentors that made me into the teacher I am today! All thanks to the amazing MSU College of Ed!

Mike Rutherford
2018 Homecoming! 1977 graduate of School of Education, majoring in HPER (Health, Physical Education and Recreation).

Jill Rycus
I have just retired after 31 years in public education and can say sincerely that I loved every single day of my career. I have seen lots of things change and evolve over those many years, but my education at MSU left me prepared for all of it! The one constant thing that never changed was something I took away from MSU – educate the whole child. Nurture their spirits and their minds. We teach children, not just curriculum.

Greeshma Sanchula
During my last visit to MSU with my friend Sparty. I miss MSU dearly, this was during my graduation photoshoot.

Andrew Schmidt
I am entering into my 23rd year as an educator and have worked for Flushing Community Schools my entire career. I graduated from MSU in 1997 with a BA in History with minors in Geography and Secondary Education. After I began my teaching career, I went back to MSU and earned my MA in K-12 Educational Leadership. In 2002, I transitioned into my first administrator position working as an assistant principal at Flushing High School. I have since served as a principal, curriculum director and now deputy superintendent all with Flushing Community Schools. I credit the MSU College of Education for providing the most outstanding educational training that has propelled my career and opened doors for me that I never knew were available. For these reasons and many, many more (like meeting my wife at MSU), I will forever be a Spartan! Go Green!

Mike Scholes
Senior year in the Spartan Marching Band with my now-wife. Being in the SMB led me to choose Music Ed as my major and attending both the College of Education and School of Music.

Larry C. Schroeder
I am a retired public school administrator with a great life enjoying our eight grandchildren and families in Michigan, California and Virginia. Our bachelor son in Florida is all of the kids’ favorite uncle and he is our biggest Spartan fan!

Norman M. Scott
The daughter of 2 Spartan College of Ed alumni, Ryleigh had plenty of offers but decided to attend MSU. Proud to say she just landed her first teaching job too, because Spartans Will.

Sarah Scott
Last day of class with Dr. Dirkx! EAD 861 – Summer 2004

W. Conard “Bud” Search
I was trained to be a vocational agriculture teacher 1952-1956 and a vocational agriculture teacher trainer in 1957-1960. My teacher trainer experience was superb and I found a career in teaching seven years at Webberville Community Schools (three of which I was a teacher trainer). MSU hired me as a county agent, three years later, I became a district farm management agent in 12 counties of S.W. Michigan (1966-1990). I retired to create “Search Farm Management Service” in 1990. I met Mary at Extension Fall Conference in 1974, shortly after I learned I was to experience a divorce of 19 years of marriage. My daughter had just been enrolled in Adrian College. I also had two boys aged 15 and 16.

Mary Snow Search
My blood runs green, and so does Bud’s.

Jeff Sewick
Mr. Sewick and his 3rd graders celebrating Sparty’s birthday with student frosted cookies!

Miranda Shaffer
This was taken on May 6, 2012, right after my graduation ceremony. It was documented to remember all of the classes that I took in this hall during my time at Michigan State. It was also the same building my aunt took classes in when she had gone to Michigan State for Education years before me.

Marilyn Shearer
Here I am, Marilyn Shearer, working with students as I did my student teaching in 1960. I think I am being observed, because there is a microphone around my neck and the speakers are on the piano. This began my 30-year teaching career in 5th grade for the School District of Waupaca in Wisconsin.

Monica Shellhamer
This picture was taken my senior year at the AEMS Outreach to Teach. AEMS was a huge part of my college career and how I found so many friends when I got to Michigan State.

Jenna Silverstein
This picture is of me when we had to start teaching virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic. I was so excited to embrace it and continue teaching in an online platform! My MSU mentors have helped me through teaching and other moments over the years and I wouldn’t be here without them. Go Green!

Raymond Sisung
SPARTY was in the lobby of my elementary schools for many years on the week of the MSU/UofM game. Now resides in The Villages in Fla.!!

Anne-Marie Sladewski
Spartans Will … DELiver! There IS a doctor in the house. Celebrating graduation day in Erickson! Doctor of Educational Leadership (DEL) Program, Cohort 4, May 2018. (L-R) Dr. Anne-Marie Sladewski, Dr. Steve Gabriel, Dr. Aileen Myer, Dr. Jennifer Martin-Green, Dr. Cathy Dwyer, Dr. Carl Sproul, Dr. Gary Kinzer.

Jeffrey T. Smith
Spartan educator graduates illuminate the future.

Anne Sparling
I graduated with a teaching degree from Michigan State and taught for 40 years after graduating. I returned to Oakland University for my master’s in reading and learning disabilities and then went back to MSU for my EdS in educational administration. I came from the Chicago suburbs to MSU in my father, brother and two sisters footsteps. Two of my three children are MSU grads. We love our alma mater and return often for football, basketball and hockey games. My sister and I also attend events at the Wharton Center whenever we can. I am proud to be a Spartan and cherish my memories of time spent there with family and friends. Go green!

Jessica Spearman
The last 10 years of my life have been rooted within MSU and the College of Education. I completed both my undergraduate and graduate programs through the College of Education and have been fortunate to meet so many influential professors and colleagues through the programs that shape my practice daily. When I look back, I see all of the opportunities and doors that have been opened because of its role in forming the educator I have become.
This picture was taken when we found out we were adding a new Spartan to our family, and here he is today! I hope someday he gets to experience the same love for MSU I do. Go Green!

Jami Steimle
I always knew I wanted to be a teacher and always planned to be a Spartan from the time I was in school. Fortunately, I was blessed and able to do both!

Tess Sterling
First time on campus! This photo was taken during the summer of 2018, one year after I graduated with my MAET degree, and the first time ever being on campus. I participated in the overseas cohort of the MAET program so had never been on campus, or Michigan for that matter … NJ resident working overseas.

Jeffrey Stimson
Start of year 23 of teaching! Always excited to give my students the best experiences possible and to inspire them to be their best selves.

Emileigh Stoll
Only recent alumni will recall their graduate student experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic. Although our entire second year of studies was virtual, we found ways to spend time together safely and support one another to complete our degree program! This photo was taken in February of 2021 in front of the iconic Beaumont Tower. It reminds me of the amazing friends and colleagues I made as a Spartan.

Ashley Tanevski
MSU has provided me with so many incredible opportunities to help me reach my goals. I’ve had the privilege of learning from the most knowledge and caring professors who have motivated me, supported me, and truly inspired me throughout my undergraduate journey. Thanks to the College of Education, I will be applying my knowledge as I venture off to physical therapy school this coming fall!

Carlos Toro
Professor/Head Soccer Coach
Universidad del Turabo
27 years-present
Head Soccer Alma College
5 years 88-93
Father of 5 children
Home Trujillo Alto, PR

Angela Totten
I had the honor of accepting the Air Zoo Science Educator Excellence award for my work in STEAM education (April 2019). My experience as an undergraduate and graduate student at MSU’s College of Education helped me become the educator I am today.

Patrice Ungkuldee
We are Spartans!! Mom and daughters, Homecoming 2016.

Jeya Velu
I graduated in 1998 from MSU. I am retired now. I was teaching at Teacher Education Institution Malaysia for 27 years after graduating from MSU with my master’s degree in Educational Psychology. I made the best choice by enrolling into the College of Education, which has equipped me with knowledge and skills in Measurement and Quantitative Methods. I also gained experience being a research assistant for the TIMSS project.

Jacqueline Vielot
This photo is of my sister, father, and me at my intern convocation in April 2016. I took time off after graduation in 2012 and did not know if I would make it back for my internship. I finally did 3 years later, and have been teaching special education ever since.

Theresa Voshel
This photo was taken when my husband and I took our 3 children back to MSU for a football game. We took them in our dorm, showed them our apartment on Grand River, and took them to the football game! It was so good to be back at our old stomping grounds! We both graduated from MSU, and have passed our love of Green & White on to our children! I am now in my 22nd year of teaching while my husband is a podiatrist after completing pre-med at MSU.

Ladell Watson
This is a photo after my graduation this past weekend looking at the College of Education with my cap and gown on.

William H. Watt
I graduated 64 years ago. I taught biology and coached in the U.P. and then in Shelby. I moved to Alaska and got my master’s in education from U. of Alaska-Fairbanks. I then taught and coached in Alaska, Montana, and Oregon. Now retired in Arizona, I’m rooting for Sparty along with wife Nancy and bulldog Bow. GO GREEN!

Amy Weigel
I graduated from the College of Education in May 2020. This picture represents the accomplishment that I made in order to move forward in my dream of becoming a teacher.

Russell Weyer
I taught middle and high school agriscience classes for the past 7 years in 2 different states, Michigan and North Dakota. I would not have been able to teach for 7 years without the education I obtained through the College of Education at Michigan State University. Throughout my coursework at Michigan State University, I learned how to be stronger at my own skills to be better at teaching my students.

Allie Wilcox
This photo was taken in my 2nd-grade classroom. I take this Spartan head to every classroom I have to remind myself that I am a Spartan educator!

Andrew Whitaker
Using the skills I learned from the Kinesiology department at MSU afforded me the opportunity to coach soccer and teach English / Life Skills to refugee children in Uganda … as well as other important things like the MSU Fight Song!

Chauncy R. Williams

Sean Williams
I was recently selected for a superintendency, my ultimate career goal, and wanted to memorialize this amazing opportunity by taking a photo where my educational journey began … on the beautiful and historic campus of Michigan State University! Go Green!

Laura Wise
I graduated from the College of Ed with my master’s in Higher, Adult and Lifelong Education in Fall 2010. I’m pictured here with my cohort-mate, Melissa, who had graduated in Spring 2010 but came to support me. She is still one of the best people in my life!

Dr. Constance M. Wolfe
As a retired professor I began to volunteer my time teaching English to international students at MSU. I also participated in the International Friendship Program on campus with five different Ph.D. students, two from Education. In April of 2019 I received the Homer Higbee International Education Award on campus. Teaching has been the best part of my life!

Meredith N. Wright
The amount of pride I have in graduating from MSU’s College of Education is insurmountable. Pair that with the love of Sparty, the Red Cedar, and MSU athletics that I’ve inspired in many of my out-of-state students, and you’ve got three of the most fun-filled, Green and White loving years. I will always sing my love for Alma Mater. Thy Praises.

Qiuli Wu
Whole class photo of the Chinese Teacher Certification (CTCP) and Master of Arts in Teaching and Curriculum (MATC) program.

Meghan Zajac
This photo was taken on the day of graduation! I met some of my very best friends through the College of Education. This picture captures the joy we brought to each other’s lives!

Scott Abramouski
This picture was taken on our graduation day in 2012 at the Breslin Center. I loved learning from instructors whether it be classes or labs in Kinesiology.

Lauren Adler
My first Meet-the-Teacher as the teacher!

Hans A. Andrews
My Master’s Degree in School Counseling was started just after MSU began offering the program. It blended well with my many hours in my B.S. degree in Psychology. I was able to use the degree as a secondary school counselor, community college evening college counselor, and Vice President of Community Services and Dean of Students. The counseling background served me well as a community college Dean of Instruction and in my years as President at Olney Central (Community) College in Illinois.

Rebecca Armstrong
During my 38-year career as a special education teacher, I realized that school was the main source of my students’ social life. I decided that in my retirement I would plan social events for my former students who have now graduated. It’s been a wonderful experience for them and especially for me! Mostly we get together in small groups but two large events that bring many together are Relay for Life and Playmakers Autumn Classic. We have such a good time together! But the best part is I don’t have to write a report or do an evaluation.

Lauren Agnello
My friends and I met freshman year in our GECP Education class. Margo Glew was one of our professors who continued to support us throughout our four years at Michigan State and beyond.

Angela Armstrong
This was taken at the Homecoming football 🏈 game in 2018. It was the first time I had been back to campus since I graduated in 1984 from the College of Education at the newly built Wharton Center! Had a wonderful time! Visited my old stomping grounds, Rather Hall and the Brody dining complex. It was amazing to see all the changes on campus and the new buildings that have been erected.

Emma Avery Keen
I was studying in the library when I was one of three teachers elected to demonstrate how Michigan Bell Telephone company set up direct long distance dialing. My graduation name was Jane E. Avery. The picture was taken after I married Lloyd Corliss and was working on my master’s degree.

Linda Kolasa Barker
In February 1974, I student taught at Meadowbrook Elementary in Rochester, Michigan. Part of my 10-week term was a camping experience with 6th graders at Island Lake State Park. That taught me to be flexible, outgoing, and organized. I went on to a 41-year career in education in Traverse City, Michigan.

Deborah Barnett
Best years of my life! I’ve been a teacher and math consultant for 27 years – even had the opportunity to teach in China. MSU’s degree is like no other one. It is the hardest job and the most rewarding one as well. Prof Lappan (CMP) still is my mentor/idol.

Kyle Bechtel
This is a picture from my student teaching in 2013 when Sparty stopped by my placement school.

Denzil Bell
Photo was taken at Scholarship Dinner at MSU. Mary Jean Bell and Denzil M. Bell. The Denzil M. and Mary Jean Bell Endowed Scholarship in Education was established 2017. Denzil was always grateful for the education he received at MSU and for the career opportunities that education provided him. The bequest to MSU seeks to provide for future generations of teachers to enjoy the same meaningful career while contributing to the education of the generations after them. Denzil earned his BS degree at MSU in Biology and Physical Science in 1968. His career began as a science and math teacher with Battle Creek Public Schools. He earned his MA at MSU in 1972. He spent six years at KCC as Placement Director and Personnel Director. Other positions included Assistant Superintendent and Superintendent. After 32 years in education, he retired in 2000. Retirement has been spent traveling, serving in many volunteer organizations, woodworking, church, Lions Club, mission trips and loving the role of Grandpa!

Dale Berry
Chosen as the K-12 Alumni Teacher of the Year. Name on a plaque in Erickson Hall.

Judith Berry
The picture is my 2017 official superintendent photo of a school district. This photo is memorable because of my educational administration training in the College of Education.

Katie Berry
I graduated from MSU in 2019 with an education degree! After completing my internship in Mt Clemens, I took a full-time teaching position in Flint, Michigan. I work at the Flint Cultural Center Academy teaching 3rd grade! The school, staff, and students are absolutely amazing and I feel so lucky to be a part of this brand new, unique school! We are changing children’s lives around the Flint community! This is a picture of me teaching. I am a hybrid teacher due to COVID. I teach face-to-face students and online at the same time!

Michele Betts
2019 tailgating. I graduated from MSU in 1988. Luke graduated from MSU in 2019. Hailee is going to school to be a teacher.

Bryan Beverly
This photo is of me and my daughter at the 2019 College of Education Homecoming tent celebration. Go Green!

Bobbie Biby
MSU has touched my life in so many ways. I met my husband while I was doing my student teaching. This picture was taken at the MSU-Northwestern football game in October 2017.

Candace Bill
When I started my Master of Education in 2017, I had no idea how much the world would change by the time I was done. I was really hoping to wear my green and walk across the stage upon graduation, but being a Canadian has prevented me from going across the border to celebrate. This photo was taken on my Mom’s porch not long after I received my degree. My Mom (who recently passed) would be so proud of how much I accomplished in the last 5 years. I am proud to call myself an MSU alumni and I am a proud Spartan!

Glenda Borowski
Represented MSU, 2021 Big Ten 10k.

Bri Bovee
I graduated in May of 2022. I am now teaching Kindergarten in Goodrich Public Schools. I’ve loved every second so far!

Ashlynn (Seymour) Briseno
First day of first grade! Been waiting 5 years for this.

Du Bui
I have so many memories of my time at Michigan State. because I attended MSU for my undergrad and graduate courses I could go on and on. My time in MAET (Educational Technology) was meaningful and impactful in so many ways. I learned about many concepts, engaged in authentic learning, played kickball, and developed many connections that have directly influenced my career path. Cheers to MAET and the continued connections to this day.

Katie Burk
Sharing music with students in Holt.

Grace Byrne
My first day at Novi Schools back in the fall of 2017! All thanks to my education and experience at MSU!

Marilyn Callahan
My family has 9 MSU grads, 3 from the College of Education. As a high school counselor, I advised numerous well-qualified students to attend MSU. My son, J. Scott Callahan (BS & DVM from MSU) and I made a visit back to MSU last year for my 83rd birthday. Being at Erickson Hall and visiting with Sparty revived many wonderful memories.

Trace Camacho
I came to MSU for my first professional job in the Division of Student Affairs and got my Ph.D. in Higher, Adult, and Lifelong Education. I’m now back in California working at CSULB as the Director of Student Life and Development.

Aubriex Cason
Being a graduate of the College of Arts and Letters, pursuing secondary education, has opened so many doors for me that I never realized when I was an undergraduate student. I currently work in higher education administration, which has been the highlight of my career. Just being a graduate of Michigan State University has allowed me to make so many connections that have led to professional experiences, not to mention the close friendships that grew out of my time there. I even met my husband at orientation! To say Michigan State literally changed the trajectory of my life would not be an understatement!

Madison Chandler
Upon hearing that our graduation ceremony would be virtual, MSU Kinesiology professor Dr. Jim Pivarnik reached out and offered to take some photos for members of my cohort around campus. I will forever be grateful to him for capturing these special memories (especially here on the steps of IM Circle, where we all spent so much time)!

Michael Chapman
This photo is outside of Jenison Field House on graduation day, 2012. Spent hours in this building growing as a sports medicine professional. This photo reminds me of the celebration of being a first-generation student to have earned a bachelor’s degree. Pure joy.

Bernard Charles
I am entering my 9th year of teaching and come back to MSU often. As a graduate from the College of Education as an undergrad in 2012 and a graduate student with a Master’s in Teaching and Curriculum, Michigan State is a critical part of my teaching identity. This photo was taken inside the student union after serving on a speaking panel within Erickson to potential students and also at the time students undertaking their internships. This moment is memorable as it was a journey down memory lane as my teaching has taken allowed me to teach both domestically and internationally, but my second home will always be East Lansing.

Joseph Chiaramonte
Although my Education degree only took me to the classroom for one year, it allowed me 39 years with Steelcase, Inc.
Having the opportunity for a variety of positions in Product Marketing, Field Sales Mgmt, Educational & Institutional Sales Mgmt., Learning & Development Mgmt and finally Steelcase University Facility Mgmt. What a wonderful career I was able to enjoy and retire from. I even served on the College of Education Alumni Board, as well as, the National Alumni Association as Chairman. All because it started out with my education at the MSU College of Education. What can I say … Spartans Will ! 👍

Anthony DeRosa
This is the beginning of my 16th year of teaching. I continue to learn and refine my craft. I look forward to continuing to inspire my students. Go Green!

Alison Dominguez
This photo was taken in my first-grade classroom during my student teaching.

Alison Doyle-Hoover
During our secondary English courses, we had to make masks to go along with the masquerade scene in Romeo and Juliet. At the time, we were all pretty annoyed with it (probably because it was an 8am class). However, after the fact, we all realized the importance of incorporating creativity, group work, socialization, and fun into the curriculum.

Kelsey Drews
I graduated from the Michigan State College of Ed back in 2012. Since then I’ve taught middle school in Dearborn, moved to Georgia, taught 5th, 2nd, and 3rd grade. This past spring I won teacher of the year for Fulton County. I owe MSU for preparing me for this dynamic field and giving me the confidence to tackle every challenge I’ve faced during my career.

Lidia Drury
I graduated spring of 2020, aka the class with the pandemic graduation! I am currently in my student teaching year virtually and I’m loving every minute of it in a very diverse school with an incredible mentor. It’s an experience that I never would have had without MSU’s College of Education!

Mary Lou Duncan
Taken in front of Landon Hall in 1950. Member of Tau Sigma.

Carol DuVall
Mother and daughter, both educators with a combined teaching career of 62 years, at the MSU stadium rooting for our alma mater.

Christina M. Ebmeyer
I met my husband at MSU and together we have created a future spartan! Go Green!!

Jane Einberger
The photo was taken on September 13, 2021 in my yard. I lived here for most of my teaching career in special education.

Mattison Emery
This photo was taken after we had our virtual ceremony to celebrate the end of our internship year. My best friends and roommates were able to live together throughout the internship year, and this special moment showcases how excited we were to begin our journey as educators.

Samantha Fegan
This fall was my first time teaching in-person since I finished my student teaching internship. I’m very excited to be back on campus and to be teaching fellow Spartans again!

Haley Feldpausch
This is me on my study abroad trip where I truly discovered my love for education and the need and importance of teachers. Teachers can have such an impact on students and granted I didn’t formally work with students I had the opportunity to work with children in refugee camps. I will forever take my experiences in Greece and carry them into my career as a teacher.

Alan & Kate Ferraro
Keeping it all in the family!

Laurie Fergus
Our first home game in two years. With my college sweetheart and husband of 35 years. We love and miss our MSU campus!!! Go Green! 💚💚💚

Jennifer Flanagan
Jennifer Flanagan Dawson, Class of 2010, Graduation day from MSU. All 3 of us Flanagan sisters went to MSU. Class of 2003 and Class of 2012.

Hannah Friend
MSU College of Education Graduate 2021. This photo was taken at the MSU Children’s Gardens by the giant crayons and school house! This day was so special to me because I finally reached the milestone of being a college graduate and beginning my student teacher internship. Not only that, but it had been over a year since I had seen my colleagues and fellow Spartan educators in person–this ceremony was truly unforgettable. I feel honored to be a Spartan alum and to continue to work with the MSU community as I reach my dream of becoming a teacher.

Jing Gao
Proud to be a teacher as MSU college of education alumni! Make the world a better place by make positive influence on kids everyday is the best job in the world!

Taylor Garber
I graduated from the College of Education in May 2021, and I am currently completing my 5th year internship! I am a part of the new residency program in Eastpointe, MI, and I love it. This picture was taken in front of Erickson Hall a few days before graduation – it makes me miss MSU’s campus so much.

Nawal Ghatas
From May 2011 when I graduated.

Larissa Gibson
The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has taught us educators to be more flexible than ever before. This photo was taken on my first day physically returning back to the classroom as a hybrid reading interventionist. Thank you MSU for being the first place that actively taught me how to be a flexible educator.

Nancy Gibson
My husband and I graduated from the College of Education in 1971 and 1972 respectively. We both taught elementary and middle school and were administrators throughout our careers. We live in the area and visit the beautiful campus often. Our blood continues to run Green!

Jenny Gilbert
Standing in front of the Spartan statue on campus.

Elizabeth Gil
As a graduate research assistant in the K-12 Educational Administration program, I helped to coordinate Dr. Lisa Delpit’s presentation for the College of Education’s Urban Education Speaker Series in the spring of 2013. She also met with doctoral students over lunch in Erickson Hall.

Ernesto Gonzalez
My favorite memory was painting the rock with a few of my cohort mates during the week of graduation. We hung out all day by the rock and painted it at 12am with a little break in-between to do our midnight scream with the rest of campus one last time.

Rebekah R. Gordon
I will never forget my orientation to the CITE PhD program which coincided with the “Great American Eclipse” on August 21, 2017. The 13 members of our cohort spent shared a pair of cardboard glasses to catch glimpses of this once-in-a-lifetime event. The crescent-shaped shadows around Erickson Hall were mesmerizing.

Jennifer Grivins
This is my classroom where I teach chemistry and agriscience. My students are practicing their floriculture skills. I love everything I have been able to teach with my chemistry, environmental studies and agriscience certifications. Proudly display my MSU flag.

Susan Gutierrez
Met my best friend in life at the College of Ed! 30+ years and rolling!

Melissa Gutwein
Getting to collaborate with people who are passionate about the nitty-gritty, genuine work of education at MSU was and continues to be such a blessing! Through UECP, I met and learned from people who place social justice and anti-racism at the center of their craft.

Christina Haggerty
This picture was taken during a football game watch-party last year. All three of us are Spartans! My fiance and I both graduated from the College of Ed!

David Hales
I work at the Wayne Regional Educational Service Agency as the K-12 Social Studies Consultant. My commitment to equity and social justice for the students of Wayne County is a direct reflection of the people and programs I experienced in the MSU College Of Education. A big shout out to Dr. Joyce Putnam!

Dakota Halma
I just graduated from MSU this past May (2020) and am now participating in my teaching internship! I included a picture of me and my virtual zoom background for school. I am teaching 4th grade at Hiawatha Elementary School in Okemos and loving every minute!

Angela Hards
This was a photo of me with Sparty on the day of the virtual graduation for EdD students in May 2021. Although the ceremony was not in person I had my picture taken with Sparty because nothing was going to stop me from having my graduation day photo. Spartans Will!

Lois K. Halsted
Lee and Lois Halsted are President Club Members and active Livingston County MSU Alumni Members. As Scholarship Chairperson for this MSU Alumni organization, Lois is proud to share that the members and friends of Livingston County Spartans have provided $1000 textbook scholarships for approximately 95 seniors graduating from all high schools in Livingston County since 2011.

Earsker Hawkins
I’m pictured here with my loving wife & children who supported me throughout my educational journey. The HALE M.A. program was instrumental in helping me guide my two oldest sons throughout their journey as well while in college. I get great satisfaction in watching my sons grow and understand the rigors in higher learning throughout their educational journey.
My future goal is to pursue a student advisory position within the higher education arena. As a senior enlisted advisor in the military, I’m a strong advocate in continuing one’s educational path. I try to instill this passion within the ranks of the junior non-commissioned officers & officers alike.
Truly this has been a remarkable experience & I feel that I’m equipped & well-prepared in facing new challenges. Preparing oneself to meet these challenges is the true essence of a Spartan. Go Green!!!!

Nicole Hefty
This photo is at Erickson Hall and is from my graduation this past spring! I wanted to make sure I got a picture with the building because of how important the College of Education was for me. Specifically, in my senior year of my undergraduate degree, I learned so many incredible things from my instructors (and am still learning in my internship year). They have been awesome and are truly working to help me be the best teacher I can be!

Jeanne M. Hemond
I’m retired now, but I taught Construction Trades at Operation GRAD, an alternative high school in Battle Creek. I was teaching there when I got my master’s at MSU. The two together, I feel with certainty, are the best things I have ever done. Thanks MSU for helping this former at risk kid help other at risk kids. Spartans WILL.

Julianna Hernandez
I was the first in my family to obtain a college degree, and then a master’s degree from MSU. I wouldn’t change my experience. I’ll forever be proud to be a Spartan!

Mel House
United Teachers Los Angeles on strike in 2019! The two most important lessons I learned while at MSU: join your union, and open a retirement account as soon as you get that first paycheck. I currently serve as a California Director for the National Education Association, and teach elementary Physical Education in Los Angeles.

George Honer
Me and my family at the 2014 Rose Bowl.

Lisa Hoyumpa
Bringing my daughter and husband back to MSU for a college visit in August of 2019. Maybe a future Spartan!!!

Vaughn Hubinger
Home is where your heart is.
Thank you to the College of Education, and PEK for making MSU my forever home! Go Green!

Shuaiqi Hu
I was so excited when I was finally admitted to the College of Education! I was so honored to wear a College of Education lanyard, and the photo was taken in Wells Hall, on my way to do my first field placement.

Scott Hutchins
Celebrating the culmination of my wonderful time at the MSU COE with my fiancé Erin (Moore) Hutchins. May 7, 1998 commencement.

Marie Alexandra Ibarra
It’s been over a year since we graduated as a cohort. While we’ve gone our separate ways, I am grateful to each one of them for the shared lessons and knowledge I’ve carried with me to this day.

Christina Igl
Graduating during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Taylor Itsell-Olson
After three years of going back to school as a non-traditional student, I was finally able to put on my cap and gown and walk across the stage at graduation. Ten years ago when I first graduated from college, I never thought it would be possible for me to go back and do what I wanted to do all along … become a special education teacher. Not only was it possible, but I did it with a 4.0 GPA and as a recipient of the Board of Trustees highest academic achievement award. It’s never too late to follow your passion and to do what makes you feel truly alive. The words of my favorite former teacher and mentor (who sadly passed away before I could tell him that I was going back to school to become a teacher) filled my heart on graduation day…
“To possess knowledge is important, but to impart knowledge and to witness its power to strengthen the lives of others is life altering” – Fred Partlow

Lana K. Jacobs
41 years since graduation and it feels like I never left! As a season ticket holder for football, I’m sure going to miss sitting in Spartan Stadium this fall, but I’ll always be a proud and loyal Spartan! Go Green, Go White!!

Timothy and Patricia (Keilen) Jackson
Patty and Tim met as members of the Spartan Marching Band, and while Pat started as a high school band teacher, Tim quickly realized he missed the boat by not being involved in education. Many years later Tim joined Pat in PUBLIC school administration … specifically Career and Technical Education. After over 30 years of service and assisting thousands of high school students find their career focus, both Tim and Pat are PROUD alumni of MSU. We love that our Spartan gear is recognized all around the world with “Go Green” heard in Tokyo, Amsterdam, Rome, Brugge, and Beijing. We love being Spartans!

Hannah Johnson
Senior year in the Spartan Marching Band as a member of the Big Ten Flag Corps. I walked past the Sparty statue on a daily basis to get to Kinesiology classes and research, as well as for the marching band.

Hyun-Jun Joo
Graduation ceremony.

Kathleen A. Jordan
MSU enabled me to enjoy my teaching and administrative duties overseas. Happy days there. Happy virtual Homecoming everyone!! Spartans will.

Raven Jones Stanbrough
I remain honored to have been taught and mentored by some of the best faculty in the world. Thankful to have been hooded in 2016 by my former research mentor and dissertation co-chair, Dr. Django Paris. It truly takes a village!

Debby E Karabees-Betts
MSU was definitely the most amazing force behind 40 years of my career in teaching high school in Taylor, Michigan. I continue to honor my love and commitment to the Spartan Nation by attending Homecoming and relaxing by the beautiful Red Cedar after a quarter of alumni cheerleading at our football games. Go State and thanks to the School of Education for enhancing my life.

Shubha Kashyap
Sharing an alumni moment at Breslin. In my GA role during grad school at the College of Ed, I coordinated tutoring services for student-athletes. It is always fun to see them excelling in the classroom and on the courts/fields. Go State!

Khemara Khiev
My first winter at MSU. I was out early on that day and was just mesmerized by the beauty of Erickson Hall on the winter day.

Mark A. Kiraly
While doing videos on YouTube to help students prepare for the APA Calculus Exams, I was amazed by the outreach from fellow Spartans—both classmates and those who came before and after me. Our efforts during the pandemic fill me with pride. While I look forward to something closer to normal, I know that my fellow College of Ed alumni are taking on all challenges to the best of their abilities. Spartans Will!

Kim Kley-Brown
At the FIRST Big Ten Championship Game, 2011, Lucas Oil Stadium, Indianapolis, Indiana – GO GREEN!

Marissa Kornatowski
UECP Class of 2020! These people became my lifelong friends, roommates, and the greatest people I met at MSU. It’s been so fun following our journeys over the years knowing that our passion for teaching was really rooted in our freshman year classes together. I am forever thankful for these people and the wonderful professors we had who inspired us all to change the world.

Andrew Kowalski
Studying music education at MSU gave me so many opportunities to be a part of great things! I also added a math endorsement through MSU and am now a National Board Certified Teacher at a terrific school. My College of Education course experiences are among my fond memories at MSU. Go Green!

Laura Kueffner
Spring 1999 in front of Erickson Hall after we finished our internships and earned our teaching certificates. Laura (Roach) Kueffner and Kristin (Povlitz) Frang.

Olivia Kraeuter
These Spartans stayed in school! We met in the Elementary Ed program and bonded over our Math Concentration. Following graduation, we all went back to elementary grades to finish our internship year and enter the field we love!

Lorie Kryk
My family is my world.

Tami Kuhn
This photo was taken as my professional headshot when I was the Director of the MSU Union. I am always thankful for all the opportunities I have had at MSU for professional growth. That all started when I came to MSU for TWO YEARS to complete my MA. I never left. MSU is a special place for so many reasons.

Allison Lackner
The College of Education gave me my lifelong friends. Specific my best friend and college roommate. We met during freshman orientation when signing up for classes. Then ended up living together freshman year through senior year. I can’t imagine my college experience without her. Instagram photo credit: alansito_photos

Katherine Lechman
This photo connects me to the College of Education via the experiences I have been able to access as a result of my education. Every day I use what I learned at MSU and the College of Education in the work I do to prepare University of Montana students for their careers after graduation. I was sporting my University of Montana T-shirt for move-in day, but I will always be a Spartan at heart. Notice the MSU flag in the background that lives proudly on my home!

Wendy Lesoski
I am tutoring virtually and in-person dyslexic students. I work with students in the state of Michigan, in other countries and all across the United States. Besides this, I have spoken about dyslexia at various conferences, worked on creating Orton Gillingham Curriculum and have elementary classroom teaching experience. I also do consultation work and help parents and students advocate for themselves in schools all over the state of Michigan. I am certified through MDI (Michigan Dyslexia Institute). It has been a JOY to share the educational teacher training that I gained at MSU, in the specialized form! GO GREEN!

James Levande
I came to MSU’s College of Education planning to move on once my degrees were completed. In stead, I remained in East Lansing to pursue a career in teaching and consulting.

Mary K. Lincoln
MSU taught me to be a teacher and in return my students never forget where I went to college!

Stephanie Livingston
If you can get spirited Spartan face paint, why wouldn’t you? I enjoyed working the College of Education alumni tent for Homecoming 2019. As a member of the college Alumni Board, I was thrilled to connect with fellow educators and their families.

Brooke Locher
It has been amazing using my degree from the College of Education to help young adults learn employability skills. We get to spend our day on this amazing campus and get job experience from the plethora of opportunities available at MSU. Go Green!

Paul Luczak
I graduated in 1971 and obtained a teaching certificate in 1972. A picture from those days would be a picture of an analog photo. This is a digital photo of me and my best friend Sparty at the 2014 Rose Bowl. We attended the event with another Spartan couple. Tom and I were teachers on the Lummi reservation together. He got his certificate from MSU too. The bonds that MSU-trained educators formed in 1971 have endured for 50 years.

Roger A. Luedeman
Came to Michigan State in 1978 after doing a year at Lansing community College. My goal from the onset was a degree in recreation administration. I ended up getting in the program with Dr. Jim Brister in the College of Education in recreation and youth development. Went to ASU in the Dept. of Leisure Studies. I continued to work in the leisure industry, at the Scottsdale conference resort, where after 8 years I was able to move myself up into marketing and sales. Probably the best income year that I had with that company. Came back to Michigan 93-94, wasn’t able to get a recreation position, so I went to work for a glass company delivering windshields.

Virginia H. Lundstrom-Ndibongo
Myself in traditional Xhosa dress at the wedding celebration of my fellow South African & MSU College of Education colleague Nontlantla, held in Spartan Village community center, 1989. We both continued on to complete our degrees at MSU Summer 1993, with other friends & colleagues. Spartans WILL!

Jean Lyu
Finally got a photo with Sparty after leaving campus. This photo was from a few years back when Sparty visited the Los Angeles Spartans picnic. My favorite memory from the MSU College of Education was the faculty members, some who are still teaching, as they genuinely shared their passion and knowledge. The building itself was also very comfortable with the coffee cafe on the ground level.

Ashley Maloff
This picture marks my first day working with the MSU Resource Center for Persons with Disabilities in 2017. Ever since I graduated from the College of Education in 2012, it has always been a dream of mine to work with students with disabilities in higher education. I serve as one of the Chronic Health Ability Access Specialists. It’s an honor to work with such talented people to help maximize the ability and opportunity for students and employees with disabilities at MSU. Go Green!

Jennifer Massie
Taken with the Sparty statue and my parents on my graduation day! This was a memorable day because I was the first person in my entire extended family to graduate from college!

Tommy McGlinnen
Picture day 2021 at Springfield Plains Elementary in Clarkston, Michigan! Proudly wearing my MSU tie to celebrate my 17th year of teaching! So grateful to be a Spartan and a College of Education alum! Go Green!

Maureen McLaughlin
As an alumna of the College of Education from 1973, I love coming back to campus for Homecoming. Here I am tailgating with dear friends Larry Neuman, me, Kathy Neuman and my husband Brett McLaughlin (MSU College of Journalism 1972).

Olivia Mears
Graduation photos in front of the iconic Erickson Hall! So grateful for my time at MSU that has set me up for a wonderful career in education.

Jianyang Mei
I came to the College of Education as a Chinese international student in 2010 and spent eight years with the HALE program. I am so lucky to have had HALE faculty members teach me during those years. This picture was taken after my dissertation defense, one of the best days in my life 😀

Genna Merrick
I couldn’t have asked for a better experience at MSU in both the College of Ed and the College of Social Science! This picture was taken in front of Erickson Hall in the Spring of 2015. We had decided to walk around campus taking pictures in our caps and gowns and had to stop to take one in front of Erickson! It’s one of my favorite pictures from that day! #MSUEDHC

Larry Miller
The shirt I’m wearing in this picture is from an “Outreach to Teach” event when I went to a Lansing elementary school and helped repaint hallways and landscapes with some fellow College of Education peers. Little did I know that Lansing would be where I spend my yearlong student teaching internship! I was placed at J.W. Sexton High School to teach Government and Economics in 2010. As you can see from the ducks, I was walking along the Red Cedar in this picture.

Elizabeth Mors
I absolutely love being on campus. Even though my program and graduation were all online, I never miss an excuse to be “back home”. Both of my parents are Spartans and we share a love for MSU. As my biggest supporters, there’s no one else I’d rather celebrate my master’s graduation with. Go Green!

Valencia Moses
From posing in the lobby to getting processional ready in the Erickson Hall Kiva! Graduation day from MSU with a Ph.D. in Curriculum, Teaching & Educational Policy on May 2, 2014. I was blessed to defend my dissertation a day before when I heard my advisor, Dr. Dorinda Carter Andrews, address me as Dr. Valencia Moses. #ohthejoy

Dawn Nacker
In front of Breslin Center with my mom in 1991. I was the first in my family to graduate from college.

Janice Nagele
(Sept. 1956). The Jackson Citizen Patriot sent a photographer and reporter to do a story on student teachers. We lived in an upstairs apartment at 1027 Francis Street in Jackson, Mich. Pictured, left to right: Janice Bedford Nagele and my roommates: Mary Jane Jackson Lutz from Onsted, Dorothy Jean Austin from Laingsburg, and Fran Leuhmann from Owosso. We are supposed to be taking a break from planning our lessons for the next day. Notice the fake sandwiches and our robes over our street clothes. A blast from my past!

Stephanie Niemi
I am an MSU College of Education graduate x 3! I completed my bachelor’s degree in 2005 in Special Education, my Master of Arts in Education in 2010, and my Master of Arts in Educational Administration in 2015! I love the support, connections, and preparation all three programs have provided me in my journey as an educator. Go Green!

Camrynn Nystrom
After how many hours I’ve spent at Erickson Hall, between class and working in the TIES office, I had to remember my time here by taking graduation photos at my favorite hall on campus!

Kelly Nyquist
Baby blue tassels for College of Education Kinesiology! I was the first person in my family to graduate from college so this was a big achievement for me! Going to Michigan State and enrolling in the College of Education was hands down one of the best decisions I have made. The advisors, the professors, and all of the support staff made my experience so memorable and I will cherish it forever!

Katelyn P. O’Brien
Hello, Spartans! I graduated from MSU’s Teacher Education program in the Spring of 2018. Immediately after graduating, I applied and was offered a teaching position at the middle school I student taught at in the 2017-2018 school year. I have since then been teaching 6th grade science at the very same school! The Teacher Education program prepared me so well for success as a young educator – and even during a pandemic I still felt prepared for new challenges. I am so thankful for my experience in the program.

Veronica O’Connor
At the request of Dean Floden, I represented the Michigan State College of Education at the induction of Dr. Thomas Bailey as President of Teachers College, Columbia University in December 2018 in New York City.

Natalie Oestreich
This was taken just last month on my first day of the internship! I get to take everything I’ve learned the last 4 years into a classroom.

Ernest Pasteur
Coming to MSU as a student/athlete in 1963 from the segregated South changed my life. Receiving my Ed Specialist degree from MSU gave me an opportunity to live my dream of becoming a high school principal, Executive Director of Maxey Boys Training School [a State of Michigan residential treatment, training and education facility for adjudicated male youth], and University Consultant for Michigan K-12 Public Charter School Academies. Go Green!

Tim Peters
I really enjoyed and learned a lot from the HALE program at MSU. I was an online student but had one class on campus (Wells Hall) and attended graduation. Good memories. Go Green!

Heather Peterson
My classroom of 30 years of teaching high school science at Holt High School and of course the Spartan flag under the periodic table! Go Green!

Lisa Plascencia
This is a picture of me and my husband celebrating MSU. Go Green!

Brian and Beth Post
Santa’s helpers were spotted at the Spartan basketball game. December 16, 2016. Both of us are alumni of the College of Education and love cheering on the Spartans.

Dawn Pruszynski
I love that these students are working cooperatively to develop and implement a bottle and can drive to raise funds for the homeless at Open Door Mission. The project integrated curriculum in math, multiple language arts areas, art, and provided an opportunity to “make a difference” in our community. That’s what the MSU College of Education is about.

Diana Rautio
This photo was taken outside of Erickson Hall after my master’s degree graduation ceremony on September 17, 2021. I had to make a stop here because this building symbolizes my journey in the College of Education at MSU for both my bachelor’s and master’s degree. I learned so much within the walls of this building! Once a Spartan, always a Spartan!

Andrea Raysin
Me sharing a XC running course map at the Spartan Invitational as a grad student in the Sport Coaching & Leadership program.

Kathryn G. Reed
Picture of my daughter and son following the graduate convocation in May 2013, where I was awarded my master’s degree. I was also a little girl when my father, who has two degrees from the College of Education, finished his master’s degree.

Sarah Repovz
Photo from my first day of student teaching. This day will forever be a memorable day for me because it was the first day I began my student teaching journey.

Julie Rice
Taken at home on Mother’s Day … my sweet husband representing MSU! What’s not to love?

Christel Rocha-Beverly
My 8-year-old daughter Isa came to work with me at Erickson one day and she was excited to sit at mommy’s desk and have a coffee with me from Sparty’s.

Christine Rosenberg Kaye
1981 Commencement- MA, Curriculum and Instruction

Diana Rowland
I graduated with these gals in the College of Education in 1963. We get together often. My dearest friends are my MSU buddies.

Traci Ruiz
Obtained my master’s degree in Adult and Continuing Education. I was a full-time student, taught at Lansing Community College, and worked as a nightshift police officer, while pregnant. MSU’s Darleen Hartig, Dr. Marilyn Amey, and Dr. Laura Bierma were my pillars. I graduated on May 10, 2000, and son, Kilian Southworth, was born five days later! Kilian is now a junior at the MSU James Madison College and plays rugby. #SpartansWill

Abigail Rusek
This was the day I went from Abby Rusek to Miss Rusek. I graduated from the College of Education in 2019 and never felt more ready to take on the role of being an educator. I will never forget the professors, classmates, and mentors that made me into the teacher I am today! All thanks to the amazing MSU College of Ed!

Mike Rutherford
2018 Homecoming! 1977 graduate of School of Education, majoring in HPER (Health, Physical Education and Recreation).

Jill Rycus
I have just retired after 31 years in public education and can say sincerely that I loved every single day of my career. I have seen lots of things change and evolve over those many years, but my education at MSU left me prepared for all of it! The one constant thing that never changed was something I took away from MSU – educate the whole child. Nurture their spirits and their minds. We teach children, not just curriculum.

Greeshma Sanchula
During my last visit to MSU with my friend Sparty. I miss MSU dearly, this was during my graduation photoshoot.

Andrew Schmidt
I am entering into my 23rd year as an educator and have worked for Flushing Community Schools my entire career. I graduated from MSU in 1997 with a BA in History with minors in Geography and Secondary Education. After I began my teaching career, I went back to MSU and earned my MA in K-12 Educational Leadership. In 2002, I transitioned into my first administrator position working as an assistant principal at Flushing High School. I have since served as a principal, curriculum director and now deputy superintendent all with Flushing Community Schools. I credit the MSU College of Education for providing the most outstanding educational training that has propelled my career and opened doors for me that I never knew were available. For these reasons and many, many more (like meeting my wife at MSU), I will forever be a Spartan! Go Green!

Mike Scholes
Senior year in the Spartan Marching Band with my now-wife. Being in the SMB led me to choose Music Ed as my major and attending both the College of Education and School of Music.

Larry C. Schroeder
I am a retired public school administrator with a great life enjoying our eight grandchildren and families in Michigan, California and Virginia. Our bachelor son in Florida is all of the kids’ favorite uncle and he is our biggest Spartan fan!

Norman M. Scott
The daughter of 2 Spartan College of Ed alumni, Ryleigh had plenty of offers but decided to attend MSU. Proud to say she just landed her first teaching job too, because Spartans Will.

Sarah Scott
Last day of class with Dr. Dirkx! EAD 861 – Summer 2004

W. Conard “Bud” Search
I was trained to be a vocational agriculture teacher 1952-1956 and a vocational agriculture teacher trainer in 1957-1960. My teacher trainer experience was superb and I found a career in teaching seven years at Webberville Community Schools (three of which I was a teacher trainer). MSU hired me as a county agent, three years later, I became a district farm management agent in 12 counties of S.W. Michigan (1966-1990). I retired to create “Search Farm Management Service” in 1990. I met Mary at Extension Fall Conference in 1974, shortly after I learned I was to experience a divorce of 19 years of marriage. My daughter had just been enrolled in Adrian College. I also had two boys aged 15 and 16.

Mary Snow Search
My blood runs green, and so does Bud’s.

Jeff Sewick
Mr. Sewick and his 3rd graders celebrating Sparty’s birthday with student frosted cookies!

Miranda Shaffer
This was taken on May 6, 2012, right after my graduation ceremony. It was documented to remember all of the classes that I took in this hall during my time at Michigan State. It was also the same building my aunt took classes in when she had gone to Michigan State for Education years before me.

Marilyn Shearer
Here I am, Marilyn Shearer, working with students as I did my student teaching in 1960. I think I am being observed, because there is a microphone around my neck and the speakers are on the piano. This began my 30-year teaching career in 5th grade for the School District of Waupaca in Wisconsin.

Monica Shellhamer
This picture was taken my senior year at the AEMS Outreach to Teach. AEMS was a huge part of my college career and how I found so many friends when I got to Michigan State.

Jenna Silverstein
This picture is of me when we had to start teaching virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic. I was so excited to embrace it and continue teaching in an online platform! My MSU mentors have helped me through teaching and other moments over the years and I wouldn’t be here without them. Go Green!

Raymond Sisung
SPARTY was in the lobby of my elementary schools for many years on the week of the MSU/UofM game. Now resides in The Villages in Fla.!!

Anne-Marie Sladewski
Spartans Will … DELiver! There IS a doctor in the house. Celebrating graduation day in Erickson! Doctor of Educational Leadership (DEL) Program, Cohort 4, May 2018. (L-R) Dr. Anne-Marie Sladewski, Dr. Steve Gabriel, Dr. Aileen Myer, Dr. Jennifer Martin-Green, Dr. Cathy Dwyer, Dr. Carl Sproul, Dr. Gary Kinzer.

Jeffrey T. Smith
Spartan educator graduates illuminate the future.

Anne Sparling
I graduated with a teaching degree from Michigan State and taught for 40 years after graduating. I returned to Oakland University for my master’s in reading and learning disabilities and then went back to MSU for my EdS in educational administration. I came from the Chicago suburbs to MSU in my father, brother and two sisters footsteps. Two of my three children are MSU grads. We love our alma mater and return often for football, basketball and hockey games. My sister and I also attend events at the Wharton Center whenever we can. I am proud to be a Spartan and cherish my memories of time spent there with family and friends. Go green!

Jessica Spearman
The last 10 years of my life have been rooted within MSU and the College of Education. I completed both my undergraduate and graduate programs through the College of Education and have been fortunate to meet so many influential professors and colleagues through the programs that shape my practice daily. When I look back, I see all of the opportunities and doors that have been opened because of its role in forming the educator I have become.
This picture was taken when we found out we were adding a new Spartan to our family, and here he is today! I hope someday he gets to experience the same love for MSU I do. Go Green!

Jami Steimle
I always knew I wanted to be a teacher and always planned to be a Spartan from the time I was in school. Fortunately, I was blessed and able to do both!

Tess Sterling
First time on campus! This photo was taken during the summer of 2018, one year after I graduated with my MAET degree, and the first time ever being on campus. I participated in the overseas cohort of the MAET program so had never been on campus, or Michigan for that matter … NJ resident working overseas.

Jeffrey Stimson
Start of year 23 of teaching! Always excited to give my students the best experiences possible and to inspire them to be their best selves.

Emileigh Stoll
Only recent alumni will recall their graduate student experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic. Although our entire second year of studies was virtual, we found ways to spend time together safely and support one another to complete our degree program! This photo was taken in February of 2021 in front of the iconic Beaumont Tower. It reminds me of the amazing friends and colleagues I made as a Spartan.

Ashley Tanevski
MSU has provided me with so many incredible opportunities to help me reach my goals. I’ve had the privilege of learning from the most knowledge and caring professors who have motivated me, supported me, and truly inspired me throughout my undergraduate journey. Thanks to the College of Education, I will be applying my knowledge as I venture off to physical therapy school this coming fall!

Carlos Toro
Professor/Head Soccer Coach
Universidad del Turabo
27 years-present
Head Soccer Alma College
5 years 88-93
Father of 5 children
Home Trujillo Alto, PR

Angela Totten
I had the honor of accepting the Air Zoo Science Educator Excellence award for my work in STEAM education (April 2019). My experience as an undergraduate and graduate student at MSU’s College of Education helped me become the educator I am today.

Patrice Ungkuldee
We are Spartans!! Mom and daughters, Homecoming 2016.

Jeya Velu
I graduated in 1998 from MSU. I am retired now. I was teaching at Teacher Education Institution Malaysia for 27 years after graduating from MSU with my master’s degree in Educational Psychology. I made the best choice by enrolling into the College of Education, which has equipped me with knowledge and skills in Measurement and Quantitative Methods. I also gained experience being a research assistant for the TIMSS project.

Jacqueline Vielot
This photo is of my sister, father, and me at my intern convocation in April 2016. I took time off after graduation in 2012 and did not know if I would make it back for my internship. I finally did 3 years later, and have been teaching special education ever since.

Theresa Voshel
This photo was taken when my husband and I took our 3 children back to MSU for a football game. We took them in our dorm, showed them our apartment on Grand River, and took them to the football game! It was so good to be back at our old stomping grounds! We both graduated from MSU, and have passed our love of Green & White on to our children! I am now in my 22nd year of teaching while my husband is a podiatrist after completing pre-med at MSU.

Ladell Watson
This is a photo after my graduation this past weekend looking at the College of Education with my cap and gown on.

William H. Watt
I graduated 64 years ago. I taught biology and coached in the U.P. and then in Shelby. I moved to Alaska and got my master’s in education from U. of Alaska-Fairbanks. I then taught and coached in Alaska, Montana, and Oregon. Now retired in Arizona, I’m rooting for Sparty along with wife Nancy and bulldog Bow. GO GREEN!

Amy Weigel
I graduated from the College of Education in May 2020. This picture represents the accomplishment that I made in order to move forward in my dream of becoming a teacher.

Russell Weyer
I taught middle and high school agriscience classes for the past 7 years in 2 different states, Michigan and North Dakota. I would not have been able to teach for 7 years without the education I obtained through the College of Education at Michigan State University. Throughout my coursework at Michigan State University, I learned how to be stronger at my own skills to be better at teaching my students.

Allie Wilcox
This photo was taken in my 2nd-grade classroom. I take this Spartan head to every classroom I have to remind myself that I am a Spartan educator!

Andrew Whitaker
Using the skills I learned from the Kinesiology department at MSU afforded me the opportunity to coach soccer and teach English / Life Skills to refugee children in Uganda … as well as other important things like the MSU Fight Song!

Chauncy R. Williams

Sean Williams
I was recently selected for a superintendency, my ultimate career goal, and wanted to memorialize this amazing opportunity by taking a photo where my educational journey began … on the beautiful and historic campus of Michigan State University! Go Green!

Laura Wise
I graduated from the College of Ed with my master’s in Higher, Adult and Lifelong Education in Fall 2010. I’m pictured here with my cohort-mate, Melissa, who had graduated in Spring 2010 but came to support me. She is still one of the best people in my life!

Dr. Constance M. Wolfe
As a retired professor I began to volunteer my time teaching English to international students at MSU. I also participated in the International Friendship Program on campus with five different Ph.D. students, two from Education. In April of 2019 I received the Homer Higbee International Education Award on campus. Teaching has been the best part of my life!

Meredith N. Wright
The amount of pride I have in graduating from MSU’s College of Education is insurmountable. Pair that with the love of Sparty, the Red Cedar, and MSU athletics that I’ve inspired in many of my out-of-state students, and you’ve got three of the most fun-filled, Green and White loving years. I will always sing my love for Alma Mater. Thy Praises.

Qiuli Wu
Whole class photo of the Chinese Teacher Certification (CTCP) and Master of Arts in Teaching and Curriculum (MATC) program.

Meghan Zajac
This photo was taken on the day of graduation! I met some of my very best friends through the College of Education. This picture captures the joy we brought to each other’s lives!

Scott Abramouski
This picture was taken on our graduation day in 2012 at the Breslin Center. I loved learning from instructors whether it be classes or labs in Kinesiology.

Lauren Adler
My first Meet-the-Teacher as the teacher!

Hans A. Andrews
My Master’s Degree in School Counseling was started just after MSU began offering the program. It blended well with my many hours in my B.S. degree in Psychology. I was able to use the degree as a secondary school counselor, community college evening college counselor, and Vice President of Community Services and Dean of Students. The counseling background served me well as a community college Dean of Instruction and in my years as President at Olney Central (Community) College in Illinois.

Rebecca Armstrong
During my 38-year career as a special education teacher, I realized that school was the main source of my students’ social life. I decided that in my retirement I would plan social events for my former students who have now graduated. It’s been a wonderful experience for them and especially for me! Mostly we get together in small groups but two large events that bring many together are Relay for Life and Playmakers Autumn Classic. We have such a good time together! But the best part is I don’t have to write a report or do an evaluation.

Lauren Agnello
My friends and I met freshman year in our GECP Education class. Margo Glew was one of our professors who continued to support us throughout our four years at Michigan State and beyond.

Angela Armstrong
This was taken at the Homecoming football 🏈 game in 2018. It was the first time I had been back to campus since I graduated in 1984 from the College of Education at the newly built Wharton Center! Had a wonderful time! Visited my old stomping grounds, Rather Hall and the Brody dining complex. It was amazing to see all the changes on campus and the new buildings that have been erected.

Emma Avery Keen
I was studying in the library when I was one of three teachers elected to demonstrate how Michigan Bell Telephone company set up direct long distance dialing. My graduation name was Jane E. Avery. The picture was taken after I married Lloyd Corliss and was working on my master’s degree.

Linda Kolasa Barker
In February 1974, I student taught at Meadowbrook Elementary in Rochester, Michigan. Part of my 10-week term was a camping experience with 6th graders at Island Lake State Park. That taught me to be flexible, outgoing, and organized. I went on to a 41-year career in education in Traverse City, Michigan.

Deborah Barnett
Best years of my life! I’ve been a teacher and math consultant for 27 years – even had the opportunity to teach in China. MSU’s degree is like no other one. It is the hardest job and the most rewarding one as well. Prof Lappan (CMP) still is my mentor/idol.

Kyle Bechtel
This is a picture from my student teaching in 2013 when Sparty stopped by my placement school.

Denzil Bell
Photo was taken at Scholarship Dinner at MSU. Mary Jean Bell and Denzil M. Bell. The Denzil M. and Mary Jean Bell Endowed Scholarship in Education was established 2017. Denzil was always grateful for the education he received at MSU and for the career opportunities that education provided him. The bequest to MSU seeks to provide for future generations of teachers to enjoy the same meaningful career while contributing to the education of the generations after them. Denzil earned his BS degree at MSU in Biology and Physical Science in 1968. His career began as a science and math teacher with Battle Creek Public Schools. He earned his MA at MSU in 1972. He spent six years at KCC as Placement Director and Personnel Director. Other positions included Assistant Superintendent and Superintendent. After 32 years in education, he retired in 2000. Retirement has been spent traveling, serving in many volunteer organizations, woodworking, church, Lions Club, mission trips and loving the role of Grandpa!

Dale Berry
Chosen as the K-12 Alumni Teacher of the Year. Name on a plaque in Erickson Hall.

Judith Berry
The picture is my 2017 official superintendent photo of a school district. This photo is memorable because of my educational administration training in the College of Education.

Katie Berry
I graduated from MSU in 2019 with an education degree! After completing my internship in Mt Clemens, I took a full-time teaching position in Flint, Michigan. I work at the Flint Cultural Center Academy teaching 3rd grade! The school, staff, and students are absolutely amazing and I feel so lucky to be a part of this brand new, unique school! We are changing children’s lives around the Flint community! This is a picture of me teaching. I am a hybrid teacher due to COVID. I teach face-to-face students and online at the same time!

Michele Betts
2019 tailgating. I graduated from MSU in 1988. Luke graduated from MSU in 2019. Hailee is going to school to be a teacher.

Bryan Beverly
This photo is of me and my daughter at the 2019 College of Education Homecoming tent celebration. Go Green!

Bobbie Biby
MSU has touched my life in so many ways. I met my husband while I was doing my student teaching. This picture was taken at the MSU-Northwestern football game in October 2017.

Candace Bill
When I started my Master of Education in 2017, I had no idea how much the world would change by the time I was done. I was really hoping to wear my green and walk across the stage upon graduation, but being a Canadian has prevented me from going across the border to celebrate. This photo was taken on my Mom’s porch not long after I received my degree. My Mom (who recently passed) would be so proud of how much I accomplished in the last 5 years. I am proud to call myself an MSU alumni and I am a proud Spartan!

Glenda Borowski
Represented MSU, 2021 Big Ten 10k.

Bri Bovee
I graduated in May of 2022. I am now teaching Kindergarten in Goodrich Public Schools. I’ve loved every second so far!

Ashlynn (Seymour) Briseno
First day of first grade! Been waiting 5 years for this.

Du Bui
I have so many memories of my time at Michigan State. because I attended MSU for my undergrad and graduate courses I could go on and on. My time in MAET (Educational Technology) was meaningful and impactful in so many ways. I learned about many concepts, engaged in authentic learning, played kickball, and developed many connections that have directly influenced my career path. Cheers to MAET and the continued connections to this day.

Katie Burk
Sharing music with students in Holt.

Grace Byrne
My first day at Novi Schools back in the fall of 2017! All thanks to my education and experience at MSU!

Marilyn Callahan
My family has 9 MSU grads, 3 from the College of Education. As a high school counselor, I advised numerous well-qualified students to attend MSU. My son, J. Scott Callahan (BS & DVM from MSU) and I made a visit back to MSU last year for my 83rd birthday. Being at Erickson Hall and visiting with Sparty revived many wonderful memories.

Trace Camacho
I came to MSU for my first professional job in the Division of Student Affairs and got my Ph.D. in Higher, Adult, and Lifelong Education. I’m now back in California working at CSULB as the Director of Student Life and Development.

Aubriex Cason
Being a graduate of the College of Arts and Letters, pursuing secondary education, has opened so many doors for me that I never realized when I was an undergraduate student. I currently work in higher education administration, which has been the highlight of my career. Just being a graduate of Michigan State University has allowed me to make so many connections that have led to professional experiences, not to mention the close friendships that grew out of my time there. I even met my husband at orientation! To say Michigan State literally changed the trajectory of my life would not be an understatement!

Madison Chandler
Upon hearing that our graduation ceremony would be virtual, MSU Kinesiology professor Dr. Jim Pivarnik reached out and offered to take some photos for members of my cohort around campus. I will forever be grateful to him for capturing these special memories (especially here on the steps of IM Circle, where we all spent so much time)!

Michael Chapman
This photo is outside of Jenison Field House on graduation day, 2012. Spent hours in this building growing as a sports medicine professional. This photo reminds me of the celebration of being a first-generation student to have earned a bachelor’s degree. Pure joy.

Bernard Charles
I am entering my 9th year of teaching and come back to MSU often. As a graduate from the College of Education as an undergrad in 2012 and a graduate student with a Master’s in Teaching and Curriculum, Michigan State is a critical part of my teaching identity. This photo was taken inside the student union after serving on a speaking panel within Erickson to potential students and also at the time students undertaking their internships. This moment is memorable as it was a journey down memory lane as my teaching has taken allowed me to teach both domestically and internationally, but my second home will always be East Lansing.

Joseph Chiaramonte
Although my Education degree only took me to the classroom for one year, it allowed me 39 years with Steelcase, Inc.
Having the opportunity for a variety of positions in Product Marketing, Field Sales Mgmt, Educational & Institutional Sales Mgmt., Learning & Development Mgmt and finally Steelcase University Facility Mgmt. What a wonderful career I was able to enjoy and retire from. I even served on the College of Education Alumni Board, as well as, the National Alumni Association as Chairman. All because it started out with my education at the MSU College of Education. What can I say … Spartans Will ! 👍

Anthony DeRosa
This is the beginning of my 16th year of teaching. I continue to learn and refine my craft. I look forward to continuing to inspire my students. Go Green!

Alison Dominguez
This photo was taken in my first-grade classroom during my student teaching.

Alison Doyle-Hoover
During our secondary English courses, we had to make masks to go along with the masquerade scene in Romeo and Juliet. At the time, we were all pretty annoyed with it (probably because it was an 8am class). However, after the fact, we all realized the importance of incorporating creativity, group work, socialization, and fun into the curriculum.

Kelsey Drews
I graduated from the Michigan State College of Ed back in 2012. Since then I’ve taught middle school in Dearborn, moved to Georgia, taught 5th, 2nd, and 3rd grade. This past spring I won teacher of the year for Fulton County. I owe MSU for preparing me for this dynamic field and giving me the confidence to tackle every challenge I’ve faced during my career.

Lidia Drury
I graduated spring of 2020, aka the class with the pandemic graduation! I am currently in my student teaching year virtually and I’m loving every minute of it in a very diverse school with an incredible mentor. It’s an experience that I never would have had without MSU’s College of Education!

Mary Lou Duncan
Taken in front of Landon Hall in 1950. Member of Tau Sigma.

Carol DuVall
Mother and daughter, both educators with a combined teaching career of 62 years, at the MSU stadium rooting for our alma mater.

Christina M. Ebmeyer
I met my husband at MSU and together we have created a future spartan! Go Green!!

Jane Einberger
The photo was taken on September 13, 2021 in my yard. I lived here for most of my teaching career in special education.

Mattison Emery
This photo was taken after we had our virtual ceremony to celebrate the end of our internship year. My best friends and roommates were able to live together throughout the internship year, and this special moment showcases how excited we were to begin our journey as educators.

Samantha Fegan
This fall was my first time teaching in-person since I finished my student teaching internship. I’m very excited to be back on campus and to be teaching fellow Spartans again!

Haley Feldpausch
This is me on my study abroad trip where I truly discovered my love for education and the need and importance of teachers. Teachers can have such an impact on students and granted I didn’t formally work with students I had the opportunity to work with children in refugee camps. I will forever take my experiences in Greece and carry them into my career as a teacher.

Alan & Kate Ferraro
Keeping it all in the family!

Laurie Fergus
Our first home game in two years. With my college sweetheart and husband of 35 years. We love and miss our MSU campus!!! Go Green! 💚💚💚

Jennifer Flanagan
Jennifer Flanagan Dawson, Class of 2010, Graduation day from MSU. All 3 of us Flanagan sisters went to MSU. Class of 2003 and Class of 2012.

Hannah Friend
MSU College of Education Graduate 2021. This photo was taken at the MSU Children’s Gardens by the giant crayons and school house! This day was so special to me because I finally reached the milestone of being a college graduate and beginning my student teacher internship. Not only that, but it had been over a year since I had seen my colleagues and fellow Spartan educators in person–this ceremony was truly unforgettable. I feel honored to be a Spartan alum and to continue to work with the MSU community as I reach my dream of becoming a teacher.

Jing Gao
Proud to be a teacher as MSU college of education alumni! Make the world a better place by make positive influence on kids everyday is the best job in the world!

Taylor Garber
I graduated from the College of Education in May 2021, and I am currently completing my 5th year internship! I am a part of the new residency program in Eastpointe, MI, and I love it. This picture was taken in front of Erickson Hall a few days before graduation – it makes me miss MSU’s campus so much.

Nawal Ghatas
From May 2011 when I graduated.

Larissa Gibson
The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has taught us educators to be more flexible than ever before. This photo was taken on my first day physically returning back to the classroom as a hybrid reading interventionist. Thank you MSU for being the first place that actively taught me how to be a flexible educator.

Nancy Gibson
My husband and I graduated from the College of Education in 1971 and 1972 respectively. We both taught elementary and middle school and were administrators throughout our careers. We live in the area and visit the beautiful campus often. Our blood continues to run Green!

Jenny Gilbert
Standing in front of the Spartan statue on campus.

Elizabeth Gil
As a graduate research assistant in the K-12 Educational Administration program, I helped to coordinate Dr. Lisa Delpit’s presentation for the College of Education’s Urban Education Speaker Series in the spring of 2013. She also met with doctoral students over lunch in Erickson Hall.

Ernesto Gonzalez
My favorite memory was painting the rock with a few of my cohort mates during the week of graduation. We hung out all day by the rock and painted it at 12am with a little break in-between to do our midnight scream with the rest of campus one last time.

Rebekah R. Gordon
I will never forget my orientation to the CITE PhD program which coincided with the “Great American Eclipse” on August 21, 2017. The 13 members of our cohort spent shared a pair of cardboard glasses to catch glimpses of this once-in-a-lifetime event. The crescent-shaped shadows around Erickson Hall were mesmerizing.

Jennifer Grivins
This is my classroom where I teach chemistry and agriscience. My students are practicing their floriculture skills. I love everything I have been able to teach with my chemistry, environmental studies and agriscience certifications. Proudly display my MSU flag.

Susan Gutierrez
Met my best friend in life at the College of Ed! 30+ years and rolling!

Melissa Gutwein
Getting to collaborate with people who are passionate about the nitty-gritty, genuine work of education at MSU was and continues to be such a blessing! Through UECP, I met and learned from people who place social justice and anti-racism at the center of their craft.

Christina Haggerty
This picture was taken during a football game watch-party last year. All three of us are Spartans! My fiance and I both graduated from the College of Ed!

David Hales
I work at the Wayne Regional Educational Service Agency as the K-12 Social Studies Consultant. My commitment to equity and social justice for the students of Wayne County is a direct reflection of the people and programs I experienced in the MSU College Of Education. A big shout out to Dr. Joyce Putnam!

Dakota Halma
I just graduated from MSU this past May (2020) and am now participating in my teaching internship! I included a picture of me and my virtual zoom background for school. I am teaching 4th grade at Hiawatha Elementary School in Okemos and loving every minute!

Angela Hards
This was a photo of me with Sparty on the day of the virtual graduation for EdD students in May 2021. Although the ceremony was not in person I had my picture taken with Sparty because nothing was going to stop me from having my graduation day photo. Spartans Will!

Lois K. Halsted
Lee and Lois Halsted are President Club Members and active Livingston County MSU Alumni Members. As Scholarship Chairperson for this MSU Alumni organization, Lois is proud to share that the members and friends of Livingston County Spartans have provided $1000 textbook scholarships for approximately 95 seniors graduating from all high schools in Livingston County since 2011.

Earsker Hawkins
I’m pictured here with my loving wife & children who supported me throughout my educational journey. The HALE M.A. program was instrumental in helping me guide my two oldest sons throughout their journey as well while in college. I get great satisfaction in watching my sons grow and understand the rigors in higher learning throughout their educational journey.
My future goal is to pursue a student advisory position within the higher education arena. As a senior enlisted advisor in the military, I’m a strong advocate in continuing one’s educational path. I try to instill this passion within the ranks of the junior non-commissioned officers & officers alike.
Truly this has been a remarkable experience & I feel that I’m equipped & well-prepared in facing new challenges. Preparing oneself to meet these challenges is the true essence of a Spartan. Go Green!!!!

Nicole Hefty
This photo is at Erickson Hall and is from my graduation this past spring! I wanted to make sure I got a picture with the building because of how important the College of Education was for me. Specifically, in my senior year of my undergraduate degree, I learned so many incredible things from my instructors (and am still learning in my internship year). They have been awesome and are truly working to help me be the best teacher I can be!

Jeanne M. Hemond
I’m retired now, but I taught Construction Trades at Operation GRAD, an alternative high school in Battle Creek. I was teaching there when I got my master’s at MSU. The two together, I feel with certainty, are the best things I have ever done. Thanks MSU for helping this former at risk kid help other at risk kids. Spartans WILL.

Julianna Hernandez
I was the first in my family to obtain a college degree, and then a master’s degree from MSU. I wouldn’t change my experience. I’ll forever be proud to be a Spartan!

Mel House
United Teachers Los Angeles on strike in 2019! The two most important lessons I learned while at MSU: join your union, and open a retirement account as soon as you get that first paycheck. I currently serve as a California Director for the National Education Association, and teach elementary Physical Education in Los Angeles.

George Honer
Me and my family at the 2014 Rose Bowl.

Lisa Hoyumpa
Bringing my daughter and husband back to MSU for a college visit in August of 2019. Maybe a future Spartan!!!

Vaughn Hubinger
Home is where your heart is.
Thank you to the College of Education, and PEK for making MSU my forever home! Go Green!

Shuaiqi Hu
I was so excited when I was finally admitted to the College of Education! I was so honored to wear a College of Education lanyard, and the photo was taken in Wells Hall, on my way to do my first field placement.

Scott Hutchins
Celebrating the culmination of my wonderful time at the MSU COE with my fiancé Erin (Moore) Hutchins. May 7, 1998 commencement.

Marie Alexandra Ibarra
It’s been over a year since we graduated as a cohort. While we’ve gone our separate ways, I am grateful to each one of them for the shared lessons and knowledge I’ve carried with me to this day.

Christina Igl
Graduating during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Taylor Itsell-Olson
After three years of going back to school as a non-traditional student, I was finally able to put on my cap and gown and walk across the stage at graduation. Ten years ago when I first graduated from college, I never thought it would be possible for me to go back and do what I wanted to do all along … become a special education teacher. Not only was it possible, but I did it with a 4.0 GPA and as a recipient of the Board of Trustees highest academic achievement award. It’s never too late to follow your passion and to do what makes you feel truly alive. The words of my favorite former teacher and mentor (who sadly passed away before I could tell him that I was going back to school to become a teacher) filled my heart on graduation day…
“To possess knowledge is important, but to impart knowledge and to witness its power to strengthen the lives of others is life altering” – Fred Partlow

Lana K. Jacobs
41 years since graduation and it feels like I never left! As a season ticket holder for football, I’m sure going to miss sitting in Spartan Stadium this fall, but I’ll always be a proud and loyal Spartan! Go Green, Go White!!

Timothy and Patricia (Keilen) Jackson
Patty and Tim met as members of the Spartan Marching Band, and while Pat started as a high school band teacher, Tim quickly realized he missed the boat by not being involved in education. Many years later Tim joined Pat in PUBLIC school administration … specifically Career and Technical Education. After over 30 years of service and assisting thousands of high school students find their career focus, both Tim and Pat are PROUD alumni of MSU. We love that our Spartan gear is recognized all around the world with “Go Green” heard in Tokyo, Amsterdam, Rome, Brugge, and Beijing. We love being Spartans!

Hannah Johnson
Senior year in the Spartan Marching Band as a member of the Big Ten Flag Corps. I walked past the Sparty statue on a daily basis to get to Kinesiology classes and research, as well as for the marching band.

Hyun-Jun Joo
Graduation ceremony.

Kathleen A. Jordan
MSU enabled me to enjoy my teaching and administrative duties overseas. Happy days there. Happy virtual Homecoming everyone!! Spartans will.

Raven Jones Stanbrough
I remain honored to have been taught and mentored by some of the best faculty in the world. Thankful to have been hooded in 2016 by my former research mentor and dissertation co-chair, Dr. Django Paris. It truly takes a village!

Debby E Karabees-Betts
MSU was definitely the most amazing force behind 40 years of my career in teaching high school in Taylor, Michigan. I continue to honor my love and commitment to the Spartan Nation by attending Homecoming and relaxing by the beautiful Red Cedar after a quarter of alumni cheerleading at our football games. Go State and thanks to the School of Education for enhancing my life.

Shubha Kashyap
Sharing an alumni moment at Breslin. In my GA role during grad school at the College of Ed, I coordinated tutoring services for student-athletes. It is always fun to see them excelling in the classroom and on the courts/fields. Go State!

Khemara Khiev
My first winter at MSU. I was out early on that day and was just mesmerized by the beauty of Erickson Hall on the winter day.

Mark A. Kiraly
While doing videos on YouTube to help students prepare for the APA Calculus Exams, I was amazed by the outreach from fellow Spartans—both classmates and those who came before and after me. Our efforts during the pandemic fill me with pride. While I look forward to something closer to normal, I know that my fellow College of Ed alumni are taking on all challenges to the best of their abilities. Spartans Will!

Kim Kley-Brown
At the FIRST Big Ten Championship Game, 2011, Lucas Oil Stadium, Indianapolis, Indiana – GO GREEN!

Marissa Kornatowski
UECP Class of 2020! These people became my lifelong friends, roommates, and the greatest people I met at MSU. It’s been so fun following our journeys over the years knowing that our passion for teaching was really rooted in our freshman year classes together. I am forever thankful for these people and the wonderful professors we had who inspired us all to change the world.

Andrew Kowalski
Studying music education at MSU gave me so many opportunities to be a part of great things! I also added a math endorsement through MSU and am now a National Board Certified Teacher at a terrific school. My College of Education course experiences are among my fond memories at MSU. Go Green!

Laura Kueffner
Spring 1999 in front of Erickson Hall after we finished our internships and earned our teaching certificates. Laura (Roach) Kueffner and Kristin (Povlitz) Frang.

Olivia Kraeuter
These Spartans stayed in school! We met in the Elementary Ed program and bonded over our Math Concentration. Following graduation, we all went back to elementary grades to finish our internship year and enter the field we love!

Lorie Kryk
My family is my world.

Tami Kuhn
This photo was taken as my professional headshot when I was the Director of the MSU Union. I am always thankful for all the opportunities I have had at MSU for professional growth. That all started when I came to MSU for TWO YEARS to complete my MA. I never left. MSU is a special place for so many reasons.

Allison Lackner
The College of Education gave me my lifelong friends. Specific my best friend and college roommate. We met during freshman orientation when signing up for classes. Then ended up living together freshman year through senior year. I can’t imagine my college experience without her. Instagram photo credit: alansito_photos

Katherine Lechman
This photo connects me to the College of Education via the experiences I have been able to access as a result of my education. Every day I use what I learned at MSU and the College of Education in the work I do to prepare University of Montana students for their careers after graduation. I was sporting my University of Montana T-shirt for move-in day, but I will always be a Spartan at heart. Notice the MSU flag in the background that lives proudly on my home!

Wendy Lesoski
I am tutoring virtually and in-person dyslexic students. I work with students in the state of Michigan, in other countries and all across the United States. Besides this, I have spoken about dyslexia at various conferences, worked on creating Orton Gillingham Curriculum and have elementary classroom teaching experience. I also do consultation work and help parents and students advocate for themselves in schools all over the state of Michigan. I am certified through MDI (Michigan Dyslexia Institute). It has been a JOY to share the educational teacher training that I gained at MSU, in the specialized form! GO GREEN!

James Levande
I came to MSU’s College of Education planning to move on once my degrees were completed. In stead, I remained in East Lansing to pursue a career in teaching and consulting.

Mary K. Lincoln
MSU taught me to be a teacher and in return my students never forget where I went to college!

Stephanie Livingston
If you can get spirited Spartan face paint, why wouldn’t you? I enjoyed working the College of Education alumni tent for Homecoming 2019. As a member of the college Alumni Board, I was thrilled to connect with fellow educators and their families.

Brooke Locher
It has been amazing using my degree from the College of Education to help young adults learn employability skills. We get to spend our day on this amazing campus and get job experience from the plethora of opportunities available at MSU. Go Green!

Paul Luczak
I graduated in 1971 and obtained a teaching certificate in 1972. A picture from those days would be a picture of an analog photo. This is a digital photo of me and my best friend Sparty at the 2014 Rose Bowl. We attended the event with another Spartan couple. Tom and I were teachers on the Lummi reservation together. He got his certificate from MSU too. The bonds that MSU-trained educators formed in 1971 have endured for 50 years.

Roger A. Luedeman
Came to Michigan State in 1978 after doing a year at Lansing community College. My goal from the onset was a degree in recreation administration. I ended up getting in the program with Dr. Jim Brister in the College of Education in recreation and youth development. Went to ASU in the Dept. of Leisure Studies. I continued to work in the leisure industry, at the Scottsdale conference resort, where after 8 years I was able to move myself up into marketing and sales. Probably the best income year that I had with that company. Came back to Michigan 93-94, wasn’t able to get a recreation position, so I went to work for a glass company delivering windshields.

Virginia H. Lundstrom-Ndibongo
Myself in traditional Xhosa dress at the wedding celebration of my fellow South African & MSU College of Education colleague Nontlantla, held in Spartan Village community center, 1989. We both continued on to complete our degrees at MSU Summer 1993, with other friends & colleagues. Spartans WILL!

Jean Lyu
Finally got a photo with Sparty after leaving campus. This photo was from a few years back when Sparty visited the Los Angeles Spartans picnic. My favorite memory from the MSU College of Education was the faculty members, some who are still teaching, as they genuinely shared their passion and knowledge. The building itself was also very comfortable with the coffee cafe on the ground level.

Ashley Maloff
This picture marks my first day working with the MSU Resource Center for Persons with Disabilities in 2017. Ever since I graduated from the College of Education in 2012, it has always been a dream of mine to work with students with disabilities in higher education. I serve as one of the Chronic Health Ability Access Specialists. It’s an honor to work with such talented people to help maximize the ability and opportunity for students and employees with disabilities at MSU. Go Green!

Jennifer Massie
Taken with the Sparty statue and my parents on my graduation day! This was a memorable day because I was the first person in my entire extended family to graduate from college!

Tommy McGlinnen
Picture day 2021 at Springfield Plains Elementary in Clarkston, Michigan! Proudly wearing my MSU tie to celebrate my 17th year of teaching! So grateful to be a Spartan and a College of Education alum! Go Green!

Maureen McLaughlin
As an alumna of the College of Education from 1973, I love coming back to campus for Homecoming. Here I am tailgating with dear friends Larry Neuman, me, Kathy Neuman and my husband Brett McLaughlin (MSU College of Journalism 1972).

Olivia Mears
Graduation photos in front of the iconic Erickson Hall! So grateful for my time at MSU that has set me up for a wonderful career in education.

Jianyang Mei
I came to the College of Education as a Chinese international student in 2010 and spent eight years with the HALE program. I am so lucky to have had HALE faculty members teach me during those years. This picture was taken after my dissertation defense, one of the best days in my life 😀

Genna Merrick
I couldn’t have asked for a better experience at MSU in both the College of Ed and the College of Social Science! This picture was taken in front of Erickson Hall in the Spring of 2015. We had decided to walk around campus taking pictures in our caps and gowns and had to stop to take one in front of Erickson! It’s one of my favorite pictures from that day! #MSUEDHC

Larry Miller
The shirt I’m wearing in this picture is from an “Outreach to Teach” event when I went to a Lansing elementary school and helped repaint hallways and landscapes with some fellow College of Education peers. Little did I know that Lansing would be where I spend my yearlong student teaching internship! I was placed at J.W. Sexton High School to teach Government and Economics in 2010. As you can see from the ducks, I was walking along the Red Cedar in this picture.

Elizabeth Mors
I absolutely love being on campus. Even though my program and graduation were all online, I never miss an excuse to be “back home”. Both of my parents are Spartans and we share a love for MSU. As my biggest supporters, there’s no one else I’d rather celebrate my master’s graduation with. Go Green!

Valencia Moses
From posing in the lobby to getting processional ready in the Erickson Hall Kiva! Graduation day from MSU with a Ph.D. in Curriculum, Teaching & Educational Policy on May 2, 2014. I was blessed to defend my dissertation a day before when I heard my advisor, Dr. Dorinda Carter Andrews, address me as Dr. Valencia Moses. #ohthejoy

Dawn Nacker
In front of Breslin Center with my mom in 1991. I was the first in my family to graduate from college.

Janice Nagele
(Sept. 1956). The Jackson Citizen Patriot sent a photographer and reporter to do a story on student teachers. We lived in an upstairs apartment at 1027 Francis Street in Jackson, Mich. Pictured, left to right: Janice Bedford Nagele and my roommates: Mary Jane Jackson Lutz from Onsted, Dorothy Jean Austin from Laingsburg, and Fran Leuhmann from Owosso. We are supposed to be taking a break from planning our lessons for the next day. Notice the fake sandwiches and our robes over our street clothes. A blast from my past!

Stephanie Niemi
I am an MSU College of Education graduate x 3! I completed my bachelor’s degree in 2005 in Special Education, my Master of Arts in Education in 2010, and my Master of Arts in Educational Administration in 2015! I love the support, connections, and preparation all three programs have provided me in my journey as an educator. Go Green!

Camrynn Nystrom
After how many hours I’ve spent at Erickson Hall, between class and working in the TIES office, I had to remember my time here by taking graduation photos at my favorite hall on campus!

Kelly Nyquist
Baby blue tassels for College of Education Kinesiology! I was the first person in my family to graduate from college so this was a big achievement for me! Going to Michigan State and enrolling in the College of Education was hands down one of the best decisions I have made. The advisors, the professors, and all of the support staff made my experience so memorable and I will cherish it forever!

Katelyn P. O’Brien
Hello, Spartans! I graduated from MSU’s Teacher Education program in the Spring of 2018. Immediately after graduating, I applied and was offered a teaching position at the middle school I student taught at in the 2017-2018 school year. I have since then been teaching 6th grade science at the very same school! The Teacher Education program prepared me so well for success as a young educator – and even during a pandemic I still felt prepared for new challenges. I am so thankful for my experience in the program.

Veronica O’Connor
At the request of Dean Floden, I represented the Michigan State College of Education at the induction of Dr. Thomas Bailey as President of Teachers College, Columbia University in December 2018 in New York City.

Natalie Oestreich
This was taken just last month on my first day of the internship! I get to take everything I’ve learned the last 4 years into a classroom.

Ernest Pasteur
Coming to MSU as a student/athlete in 1963 from the segregated South changed my life. Receiving my Ed Specialist degree from MSU gave me an opportunity to live my dream of becoming a high school principal, Executive Director of Maxey Boys Training School [a State of Michigan residential treatment, training and education facility for adjudicated male youth], and University Consultant for Michigan K-12 Public Charter School Academies. Go Green!

Tim Peters
I really enjoyed and learned a lot from the HALE program at MSU. I was an online student but had one class on campus (Wells Hall) and attended graduation. Good memories. Go Green!

Heather Peterson
My classroom of 30 years of teaching high school science at Holt High School and of course the Spartan flag under the periodic table! Go Green!

Lisa Plascencia
This is a picture of me and my husband celebrating MSU. Go Green!

Brian and Beth Post
Santa’s helpers were spotted at the Spartan basketball game. December 16, 2016. Both of us are alumni of the College of Education and love cheering on the Spartans.

Dawn Pruszynski
I love that these students are working cooperatively to develop and implement a bottle and can drive to raise funds for the homeless at Open Door Mission. The project integrated curriculum in math, multiple language arts areas, art, and provided an opportunity to “make a difference” in our community. That’s what the MSU College of Education is about.

Diana Rautio
This photo was taken outside of Erickson Hall after my master’s degree graduation ceremony on September 17, 2021. I had to make a stop here because this building symbolizes my journey in the College of Education at MSU for both my bachelor’s and master’s degree. I learned so much within the walls of this building! Once a Spartan, always a Spartan!

Andrea Raysin
Me sharing a XC running course map at the Spartan Invitational as a grad student in the Sport Coaching & Leadership program.

Kathryn G. Reed
Picture of my daughter and son following the graduate convocation in May 2013, where I was awarded my master’s degree. I was also a little girl when my father, who has two degrees from the College of Education, finished his master’s degree.

Sarah Repovz
Photo from my first day of student teaching. This day will forever be a memorable day for me because it was the first day I began my student teaching journey.

Julie Rice
Taken at home on Mother’s Day … my sweet husband representing MSU! What’s not to love?

Christel Rocha-Beverly
My 8-year-old daughter Isa came to work with me at Erickson one day and she was excited to sit at mommy’s desk and have a coffee with me from Sparty’s.

Christine Rosenberg Kaye
1981 Commencement- MA, Curriculum and Instruction

Diana Rowland
I graduated with these gals in the College of Education in 1963. We get together often. My dearest friends are my MSU buddies.

Traci Ruiz
Obtained my master’s degree in Adult and Continuing Education. I was a full-time student, taught at Lansing Community College, and worked as a nightshift police officer, while pregnant. MSU’s Darleen Hartig, Dr. Marilyn Amey, and Dr. Laura Bierma were my pillars. I graduated on May 10, 2000, and son, Kilian Southworth, was born five days later! Kilian is now a junior at the MSU James Madison College and plays rugby. #SpartansWill

Abigail Rusek
This was the day I went from Abby Rusek to Miss Rusek. I graduated from the College of Education in 2019 and never felt more ready to take on the role of being an educator. I will never forget the professors, classmates, and mentors that made me into the teacher I am today! All thanks to the amazing MSU College of Ed!

Mike Rutherford
2018 Homecoming! 1977 graduate of School of Education, majoring in HPER (Health, Physical Education and Recreation).

Jill Rycus
I have just retired after 31 years in public education and can say sincerely that I loved every single day of my career. I have seen lots of things change and evolve over those many years, but my education at MSU left me prepared for all of it! The one constant thing that never changed was something I took away from MSU – educate the whole child. Nurture their spirits and their minds. We teach children, not just curriculum.

Greeshma Sanchula
During my last visit to MSU with my friend Sparty. I miss MSU dearly, this was during my graduation photoshoot.

Andrew Schmidt
I am entering into my 23rd year as an educator and have worked for Flushing Community Schools my entire career. I graduated from MSU in 1997 with a BA in History with minors in Geography and Secondary Education. After I began my teaching career, I went back to MSU and earned my MA in K-12 Educational Leadership. In 2002, I transitioned into my first administrator position working as an assistant principal at Flushing High School. I have since served as a principal, curriculum director and now deputy superintendent all with Flushing Community Schools. I credit the MSU College of Education for providing the most outstanding educational training that has propelled my career and opened doors for me that I never knew were available. For these reasons and many, many more (like meeting my wife at MSU), I will forever be a Spartan! Go Green!

Mike Scholes
Senior year in the Spartan Marching Band with my now-wife. Being in the SMB led me to choose Music Ed as my major and attending both the College of Education and School of Music.

Larry C. Schroeder
I am a retired public school administrator with a great life enjoying our eight grandchildren and families in Michigan, California and Virginia. Our bachelor son in Florida is all of the kids’ favorite uncle and he is our biggest Spartan fan!

Norman M. Scott
The daughter of 2 Spartan College of Ed alumni, Ryleigh had plenty of offers but decided to attend MSU. Proud to say she just landed her first teaching job too, because Spartans Will.

Sarah Scott
Last day of class with Dr. Dirkx! EAD 861 – Summer 2004

W. Conard “Bud” Search
I was trained to be a vocational agriculture teacher 1952-1956 and a vocational agriculture teacher trainer in 1957-1960. My teacher trainer experience was superb and I found a career in teaching seven years at Webberville Community Schools (three of which I was a teacher trainer). MSU hired me as a county agent, three years later, I became a district farm management agent in 12 counties of S.W. Michigan (1966-1990). I retired to create “Search Farm Management Service” in 1990. I met Mary at Extension Fall Conference in 1974, shortly after I learned I was to experience a divorce of 19 years of marriage. My daughter had just been enrolled in Adrian College. I also had two boys aged 15 and 16.

Mary Snow Search
My blood runs green, and so does Bud’s.

Jeff Sewick
Mr. Sewick and his 3rd graders celebrating Sparty’s birthday with student frosted cookies!

Miranda Shaffer
This was taken on May 6, 2012, right after my graduation ceremony. It was documented to remember all of the classes that I took in this hall during my time at Michigan State. It was also the same building my aunt took classes in when she had gone to Michigan State for Education years before me.

Marilyn Shearer
Here I am, Marilyn Shearer, working with students as I did my student teaching in 1960. I think I am being observed, because there is a microphone around my neck and the speakers are on the piano. This began my 30-year teaching career in 5th grade for the School District of Waupaca in Wisconsin.

Monica Shellhamer
This picture was taken my senior year at the AEMS Outreach to Teach. AEMS was a huge part of my college career and how I found so many friends when I got to Michigan State.

Jenna Silverstein
This picture is of me when we had to start teaching virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic. I was so excited to embrace it and continue teaching in an online platform! My MSU mentors have helped me through teaching and other moments over the years and I wouldn’t be here without them. Go Green!

Raymond Sisung
SPARTY was in the lobby of my elementary schools for many years on the week of the MSU/UofM game. Now resides in The Villages in Fla.!!

Anne-Marie Sladewski
Spartans Will … DELiver! There IS a doctor in the house. Celebrating graduation day in Erickson! Doctor of Educational Leadership (DEL) Program, Cohort 4, May 2018. (L-R) Dr. Anne-Marie Sladewski, Dr. Steve Gabriel, Dr. Aileen Myer, Dr. Jennifer Martin-Green, Dr. Cathy Dwyer, Dr. Carl Sproul, Dr. Gary Kinzer.

Jeffrey T. Smith
Spartan educator graduates illuminate the future.

Anne Sparling
I graduated with a teaching degree from Michigan State and taught for 40 years after graduating. I returned to Oakland University for my master’s in reading and learning disabilities and then went back to MSU for my EdS in educational administration. I came from the Chicago suburbs to MSU in my father, brother and two sisters footsteps. Two of my three children are MSU grads. We love our alma mater and return often for football, basketball and hockey games. My sister and I also attend events at the Wharton Center whenever we can. I am proud to be a Spartan and cherish my memories of time spent there with family and friends. Go green!

Jessica Spearman
The last 10 years of my life have been rooted within MSU and the College of Education. I completed both my undergraduate and graduate programs through the College of Education and have been fortunate to meet so many influential professors and colleagues through the programs that shape my practice daily. When I look back, I see all of the opportunities and doors that have been opened because of its role in forming the educator I have become.
This picture was taken when we found out we were adding a new Spartan to our family, and here he is today! I hope someday he gets to experience the same love for MSU I do. Go Green!

Jami Steimle
I always knew I wanted to be a teacher and always planned to be a Spartan from the time I was in school. Fortunately, I was blessed and able to do both!

Tess Sterling
First time on campus! This photo was taken during the summer of 2018, one year after I graduated with my MAET degree, and the first time ever being on campus. I participated in the overseas cohort of the MAET program so had never been on campus, or Michigan for that matter … NJ resident working overseas.

Jeffrey Stimson
Start of year 23 of teaching! Always excited to give my students the best experiences possible and to inspire them to be their best selves.

Emileigh Stoll
Only recent alumni will recall their graduate student experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic. Although our entire second year of studies was virtual, we found ways to spend time together safely and support one another to complete our degree program! This photo was taken in February of 2021 in front of the iconic Beaumont Tower. It reminds me of the amazing friends and colleagues I made as a Spartan.

Ashley Tanevski
MSU has provided me with so many incredible opportunities to help me reach my goals. I’ve had the privilege of learning from the most knowledge and caring professors who have motivated me, supported me, and truly inspired me throughout my undergraduate journey. Thanks to the College of Education, I will be applying my knowledge as I venture off to physical therapy school this coming fall!

Carlos Toro
Professor/Head Soccer Coach
Universidad del Turabo
27 years-present
Head Soccer Alma College
5 years 88-93
Father of 5 children
Home Trujillo Alto, PR

Angela Totten
I had the honor of accepting the Air Zoo Science Educator Excellence award for my work in STEAM education (April 2019). My experience as an undergraduate and graduate student at MSU’s College of Education helped me become the educator I am today.

Patrice Ungkuldee
We are Spartans!! Mom and daughters, Homecoming 2016.

Jeya Velu
I graduated in 1998 from MSU. I am retired now. I was teaching at Teacher Education Institution Malaysia for 27 years after graduating from MSU with my master’s degree in Educational Psychology. I made the best choice by enrolling into the College of Education, which has equipped me with knowledge and skills in Measurement and Quantitative Methods. I also gained experience being a research assistant for the TIMSS project.

Jacqueline Vielot
This photo is of my sister, father, and me at my intern convocation in April 2016. I took time off after graduation in 2012 and did not know if I would make it back for my internship. I finally did 3 years later, and have been teaching special education ever since.

Theresa Voshel
This photo was taken when my husband and I took our 3 children back to MSU for a football game. We took them in our dorm, showed them our apartment on Grand River, and took them to the football game! It was so good to be back at our old stomping grounds! We both graduated from MSU, and have passed our love of Green & White on to our children! I am now in my 22nd year of teaching while my husband is a podiatrist after completing pre-med at MSU.

Ladell Watson
This is a photo after my graduation this past weekend looking at the College of Education with my cap and gown on.

William H. Watt
I graduated 64 years ago. I taught biology and coached in the U.P. and then in Shelby. I moved to Alaska and got my master’s in education from U. of Alaska-Fairbanks. I then taught and coached in Alaska, Montana, and Oregon. Now retired in Arizona, I’m rooting for Sparty along with wife Nancy and bulldog Bow. GO GREEN!

Amy Weigel
I graduated from the College of Education in May 2020. This picture represents the accomplishment that I made in order to move forward in my dream of becoming a teacher.

Russell Weyer
I taught middle and high school agriscience classes for the past 7 years in 2 different states, Michigan and North Dakota. I would not have been able to teach for 7 years without the education I obtained through the College of Education at Michigan State University. Throughout my coursework at Michigan State University, I learned how to be stronger at my own skills to be better at teaching my students.

Allie Wilcox
This photo was taken in my 2nd-grade classroom. I take this Spartan head to every classroom I have to remind myself that I am a Spartan educator!

Andrew Whitaker
Using the skills I learned from the Kinesiology department at MSU afforded me the opportunity to coach soccer and teach English / Life Skills to refugee children in Uganda … as well as other important things like the MSU Fight Song!

Chauncy R. Williams

Sean Williams
I was recently selected for a superintendency, my ultimate career goal, and wanted to memorialize this amazing opportunity by taking a photo where my educational journey began … on the beautiful and historic campus of Michigan State University! Go Green!

Laura Wise
I graduated from the College of Ed with my master’s in Higher, Adult and Lifelong Education in Fall 2010. I’m pictured here with my cohort-mate, Melissa, who had graduated in Spring 2010 but came to support me. She is still one of the best people in my life!

Dr. Constance M. Wolfe
As a retired professor I began to volunteer my time teaching English to international students at MSU. I also participated in the International Friendship Program on campus with five different Ph.D. students, two from Education. In April of 2019 I received the Homer Higbee International Education Award on campus. Teaching has been the best part of my life!

Meredith N. Wright
The amount of pride I have in graduating from MSU’s College of Education is insurmountable. Pair that with the love of Sparty, the Red Cedar, and MSU athletics that I’ve inspired in many of my out-of-state students, and you’ve got three of the most fun-filled, Green and White loving years. I will always sing my love for Alma Mater. Thy Praises.

Qiuli Wu
Whole class photo of the Chinese Teacher Certification (CTCP) and Master of Arts in Teaching and Curriculum (MATC) program.

Meghan Zajac
This photo was taken on the day of graduation! I met some of my very best friends through the College of Education. This picture captures the joy we brought to each other’s lives!